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       # DWM-hiltjo: my windowmanager configuration
       Last modification on 2020-07-20
 (HTM) »DWM« is a very minimal windowmanager. It has the most essential features I
       need, everything else is "do-it-yourself" or extending it with the many
 (HTM) available »patches«. The vanilla version is less than 2000 SLOC. This makes it
       easy to understand and modify it.
       I really like my configuration at the moment and want to share my changes. Some
       of the features listed below are patches from suckless.org I applied, but there
       are also some changes I made.
       This configuration is entirely tailored for my preferences of course.
       ## Features
       * Titlebar:
         * Shows all clients of the selected / active tags.
         * Divide application titlebars evenly among available space.
         * Colour urgent clients in the taskbar on active tags.
         * Left-click focuses clicked client.
         * Right-click toggles monocle layout.
         * Middle-click kills the clicked client.
       * Tagbar:
         * Only show active tags.
         * Colour inactive tags with urgent clients.
       * Layouts:
         * Cycle layouts with Modkey + Space (next) and Modkey + Control + Space
         * Fullscreen layout (hides topbar and removes borders).
       * Other:
         * Move tiled clients around with the mouse (drag-move), awesomewm-like.
         * Add some keybinds for multimedia keyboards (audio play / pause, mute, www,
           volume buttons, etc).
       * ... and more ;) ...
       ## Clone
               git clone -b hiltjo git://git.codemadness.org/dwm
       ## Screenshot
 (IMG) Screenshot showing what dwm-hiltjo looks like