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       # json2tsv: a JSON to TSV converter
       Last modification on 2021-09-25
       Convert JSON to TSV or separated output.
       json2tsv reads JSON data from stdin.  It outputs each JSON type to a TAB-
       Separated Value format per line by default.
       ## TAB-Separated Value format
       The output format per line is:
       Control-characters such as a newline, TAB and backslash (\n, \t and \\) are
       escaped in the nodename and value fields.  Other control-characters are
       The type field is a single byte and can be:
       * a for array
       * b for bool
       * n for number
       * o for object
       * s for string
       * ? for null
       Filtering on the first field "nodename" is easy using awk for example.
       ## Features
       * Accepts all **valid** JSON.
       * Designed to work well with existing UNIX programs like awk and grep.
       * Straightforward and not much lines of code: about 475 lines of C.
       * Few dependencies: C compiler (C99), libc.
       * No need to learn a new (meta-)language for processing data.
       * The parser supports code point decoding and UTF-16 surrogates to UTF-8.
       * It does not output control-characters to the terminal for security reasons by
         default (but it has a -r option if needed).
 (HTM) * On OpenBSD it supports »pledge(2)« for syscall restriction:
         pledge("stdio", NULL).
       * Supports setting a different field separator and record separator with the -F
         and -R option.
       ## Cons
       * For the tool there is additional overhead by processing and filtering data
         from stdin after parsing.
       * The parser does not do complete validation on numbers.
       * The parser accepts some bad input such as invalid UTF-8
 (HTM)   (see »RFC8259 - 8.1. Character Encoding«).
         json2tsv reads from stdin and does not do assumptions about a "closed
         ecosystem" as described in the RFC.
       * The parser accepts some bad JSON input and "extensions"
 (HTM)   (see »RFC8259 - 9. Parsers«).
       * Encoded NUL bytes (\u0000) in strings are ignored.
 (HTM)   (see »RFC8259 - 9. Parsers«).
         "An implementation may set limits on the length and character contents of
       * The parser is not the fastest possible JSON parser (but also not the
         slowest).  For example: for ease of use, at the cost of performance all
         strings are decoded, even though they may be unused.
       ## Why Yet Another JSON parser?
       I wanted a tool that makes parsing JSON easier and work well from the shell,
 (HTM) similar to »jq«.
       sed and grep often work well enough for matching some value using some regex
       pattern, but it is not good enough to parse JSON correctly or to extract all
       information: just like parsing HTML/XML using some regex is not good (enough)
       or a good idea :P.
 (HTM) I didn't want to learn a new specific »meta-language« which jq has and wanted
       something simpler.
       While it is more efficient to embed this query language for data aggregation,
       it is also less simple. In my opinion it is simpler to separate this and use
       pattern-processing by awk or an other filtering/aggregating program.
       For the parser, there are many JSON parsers out there, like the efficient
 (HTM) »jsmn parser«, however a few parser behaviours I want to have are:
       * jsmn buffers data as tokens, which is very efficient, but also a bit
         annoying as an API as it requires another layer of code to interpret the
       * jsmn does not handle decoding strings by default. Which is very efficient
         if you don't need parts of the data though.
       * jsmn does not keep context of nested structures by default, so may require
         writing custom utility functions for nested data.
       This is why I went for a parser design that uses a single callback per "node"
       type and keeps track of the current nested structure in a single array and
       emits that.
       ## Clone
               git clone git://git.codemadness.org/json2tsv
       ## Browse
       You can browse the source-code at:
 (HTM) * https://git.codemadness.org/json2tsv/
 (DIR) * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/json2tsv
       ## Download releases
       Releases are available at:
 (HTM) * https://codemadness.org/releases/json2tsv/
 (DIR) * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/json2tsv
       ## Build and install
               $ make
               # make install
       ## Examples
 (HTM) An usage example to parse posts of the JSON API of »reddit.com« and format them
       to a plain-text list using awk:
               curl -s -H 'User-Agent:' 'https://old.reddit.com/.json?raw_json=1&limit=100' | \
               json2tsv | \
               awk -F '\t' '
               function show() {
                       if (length(o["title"]) == 0)
                       print n ". " o["title"] " by " o["author"] " in r/" o["subreddit"];
                       print o["url"];
                       print "";
               $1 == ".data.children[].data" {
                       delete o;
               $1 ~ /^\.data\.children\[\]\.data\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/ {
                       o[substr($1, 23)] = $3;
               END {
       ## References
       * Sites:
 (HTM)   * seriot.ch - Parsing JSON is a Minefield
 (HTM)   * A comprehensive test suite for RFC 8259 compliant JSON parsers
 (HTM)   * json.org
       * Current standard:
 (HTM)   * RFC8259 - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format
 (HTM)   * Standard ECMA-404 - The JSON Data Interchange Syntax (2nd edition (December 2017)
       * Historic standards:
 (HTM)   * RFC7159 - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format (obsolete)
 (HTM)   * RFC7158 - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format (obsolete)
 (HTM)   * RFC4627 - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format (obsolete, original)