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       # Vim theme: relaxed
       Last modification on 2011-01-07
 (HTM) This is a dark theme I made for »vim«.  This is a theme I personally used for
       quite a while now and over time tweaked to my liking.  It is made for gvim, but
       also works for 16-colour terminals (with small visual differences).  The
       relaxed.vim file also has my .Xdefaults file colours listed at the top for
       16+-colour terminals on X11.
       It is inspired by the "desert" theme available at
 (HTM) »https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=105«, although I removed the
       cursive and bold styles and changed some colours I didn't like.
       ## Download
 (TXT) relaxed.vim
       ## Screenshot
 (IMG) Screenshot of VIM theme relaxed on the left is gvim (GUI), on the right is vim in urxvt (terminal)