-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 "Using SVCB Records for Gopher" by Colin Cogle Written November 8, 2022. Online at: gopher://colincogle.name/blog/gopher-svcb/ ABSTRACT Old technology meets a new DNS resource record type, in hopes that some ambitious Gopher client will adopt it. INTRODUCTION Look, there are far more important things in the country and world now. However, when I got around to adding HTTPS DNS records for my web site into my DNS zone, I decided to think about what it would look like for other services, such as Gopher. BACKGROUND For those who don't know, this standard (still in draft) allows someone to publish service binding information in DNS. For HTTPS, this includes the port number (great, as HTTP/3 is not tied to a specific UDP port). By putting this in DNS, clients do not need to initiate an HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 connection in order to find out the HTTP/3 information. A very ambitious webmaster can also publish IP addresses here (to avoid extra A/AAAA lookups), Encrypted ClientHello information, and accepted ALPN values. For this article, though, I'm looking at the ServiceMode function of the SVCB record. Let's implement a proof-of-concept that I admit few if any Gopher clients will ever support. PROVIDING CLIENT HINTS For a TCP-based connection like Gopher, this first portion is going to be largely pointless. (However, the Gemini protocol supports virtual hosting, so this might serve a purpose there.) The SVCB record contains underscores, much like DANE (TLSA) records do. Likewise, it's also named with the port and the URL scheme. Thus, for Gopher, we're going to name this resource record "_70._gopher". We can provide the following keys for our SVCB record: - "port" to specify a port number. In theory, this would let a SVCB- aware client implicitly connect to a different port. - "ipv4hint" to provide the client with an IPv4 address, to save the round-trip time of fetching an A record. (DNS64/NAT64 servers are implicitly allowed to synthesize an IPv6-mapped address.) - "ipv6hint" to provide the client with an IPv6 address, to save the round-trip time of fetching a AAAA record. Let's put it all together into a DNS record. In BIND format, it would look something like this. (Note that "1" and "." have semantic meaning in the draft standard, which I won't bore you with here.) ``` $ORIGIN colincogle.name. ; I'm breaking this onto two lines for readability. You don't need to. _70._gopher IN SVCB 1 . (port="70" ipv4hint="" ipv6hint="2600:1f18:40f3:9a00::ec2:1") ``` In theory, this will speed up Gopher connections. Let's continue. DNS-BASED LOAD BALANCING I run a backup Gopher instance on another server, with the same content on both. Thus, I effectively have a mirror, and can offer clients the option to connect to both. In my zone file: ``` $ORIGIN colincogle.name. _70._gopher IN SVCB 1 . (port="70" ipv4hint="" ipv6hint="2600:1f18:40f3:9a00::ec2:1") _70._gopher IN SVCB 1 . (port="70" ipv4hint="" ipv6hint="2001:bc8:1202:1324::1") ``` SECURE GOPHER CONNECTIONS WILL BE FINE The vast majority of Gopher traffic is unencrypted. However, the Gopher community has added support for explicit TLS. If you look at my new SVCB records, you'll notice that some of the hints point to two different servers, that have two different TLS certificates with two different subjects and SubjectAltNames. You'd expect that would break certificate validation. Fortunately, the designers of SVCB planned planned for this scenario. As their work was based on the HTTP Alt-Svc header, the SVCB draft standard says, "clients MUST continue to validate TLS certificate hostnames based on the origin." As I discovered while working on my PowerShell Gopher client, PSGopher, client apps use the regular gopher:// URL scheme for secure connections. However, some require gophers://, sgopher://, or even gopher+tls:// for TLS to be negotiated. You might want to add matching SVCB records for each possible scheme, to make sure your SVCB records don't get ignored. CONCLUSION I hope you enjoyed this little Gopher-exclusive post. There's no chance that any Gopher client will be updated to support SVCB records, so this was time wasted, but still a good thought exercise nonetheless. If you *are* a Gopher client developer with too much time on your hands, you can use my published SVCB records for testing. WORKS CITED Bishop, Mike. "Service binding and parameter specifications via the DNS (DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRs), draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https11." 11 October 2022. Accessed 8 November 2022. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https/11/ SoByte. "Introduction to DNS SVCB/HTTPS records." 7 January 2022. Accessed 8 November 2022. https://sobyte.net/post/2022-01/dns-svcb-https/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYIAB0WIQQ7NZ6ap/Bjr/sGU4FSrfh98PoTfwUCY2pp3wAKCRBSrfh98PoT fzOSAP9SAjZIaP/XfnZsavgwJZNESiGWI5+TXy6594siRXVBOgD9FXkhwKTgzRTb bqwry8OEFJ8fBb2SUo7VkfFkJByMIgA= =cChz -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----