NomadBSD Just installed NomadBSD [1] to an old USB stick after reading about it on ItsFoss. It's pretty snappy even on the old drive I'm using. The default theme is pleasing and the default application list is very complete (perhaps too complete). If I had a criticism it might be that they should leave more packages out and let users install them. Since it's based on FreeBSD, all the FreeBSD packages are available. Git is even installed by default! The window manager is a customized version of openbox with a Mac-style app bar at the bottom. The graphical setup tool allows for customization of default tools like the file manager and editor. I went with Vim (of course) and Pcmanfm (a nice, lightweight file manager typically found on LXDE installations). One of the unexpected benefits of playing around with NomadBSD is the exposure to some lightweight apps I had never heard of such as Asunder CD Ripper and Deadbeef Music Player. I'll definitely be installing those and giving them a shot on my Lubuntu daily driver. If you want a BSD thats optimized for USB stick usage, I'd recommend NomadBSD! [1]