OfflineIMAP One of my primary email addresses uses Namecheap's Private Email service with one of my domains. I like this service as it provides cheap ($10 a year) email. It supports IMAP and SMTP easily and doesn't try to lock my emails behind anything. There are no ads or tracking that I've found. Unfortunately, the webmail suite is blocked at $WORK. Something about spam coming from that domain. I'm sure lots of spam comes from Gmail addresses, but there would be a riot if they blocked Gmail! It's not worth fighting these people. Time to find a workaround! I often keep a terminal window open SSH'ed into SDF during the day. From there, I jump off to and to check mail and boards in those places. I rarely have to actually respond to emails that come in on this particular address, so I really just want a copy I can read and delete from. OfflineIMAP [1] is perfect for this use case. It will fetch mail into a maildir that can be easily read with Mutt or your preferred command line client. You can delete emails locally and it will sync up next time you run offlineimap. I won't go over installation, I'll instead direct you to the ArchWiki, which has good info as always [2]. If you're looking for a way to back up your mail or otherwise get a read only copy in a standard format, I'd recommend offlineimap! [1] [2]