Prospect (Movie) My wife and I watched Prospect (2018) this past weekend using the Kanopy streaming service. If you're in the U.S., check with your local library to see if they provide access. It's a great, free (well, technically prepaid by your taxes...) service. Anyway I digress, the movie was something I think denizens of gopherspace would enjoy. It's a lo-fi sci-fi movie about a man and his daughter who go to another world to mine for precious gems. There are very few special effects and the settings often reminded me of the original Star Wars movies (think Endor specifically). The low-tech space gear is especially fascinating. I didn't recognize the majority of the actors, but the guy that plays Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones figures prominently. The running time is sub 2 hours and it's paced fairly well - I recommend!