So today I tried to install OpenIndiana Hipster(AKA OpenSolaris) to a virtual machine, and it kept getting stuck at 44%. I don't know why it kept doing that, but yeah, it's weird. I think my host machine doesn't have enough power for it to really work , so I'll have to try it on my laptop. Why am I so interested in Solaris? I just think it's technologies are really cool. From ZFS to SMF and everything else that the com munity has incorperated into it has really made Solaris shine. Considering the project's history, it likely has the oldest code of the Unices out there today. Too bad that such a great system has been blindsided by Linux. I'm a Linux and BSD fan too, but I think that just because a large corporation no longer has any use for a OS, that it should be cast away is just wrong. I remember pe- ople making a big deal when Oracle laid off all the Sun engineers that were still batting for Solaris. That just made me feel sick, so I hope that one day Solaris will re-emerge as pre-emiment system for something.