###################### #TRANMISSION RECEIVED# ###################### L O A D I N G . . . ############### # # ########### ########### ######## ###### # # # # # # # # ### # # ######### # # # # # ### # # # # ########### ######### ####### ### # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # ### # # # ########### ######## ####### ##### ################ ################## # # ############################ # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ########################### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ################# ################## # # ########################### ############################################# #Issue 3 - For the week of 09/08 to 09/14/19# ############################################# ########################### #Date Published - 09/08/19# ########################### ############## #Here and Now# ############## Index: Foreward News Agency BBS Alcoholiday FIDONet Decentralization and BBSes Game Spotlight Links Outro Contact Next Issue Preview ########## #Foreward# ########## I have only one BBS memory, but that memory will always be with me. I'm sure everyone reading this zine also has memories, good and bad, of the BBS scene and how it influenced you. Whenever I login into a BBS, I feel like I'm able to get in touch with those memories, and also see the good and bad times of others. Nostalgia is a big part of this zine, but you can't live on memories alone, and that's why I created this, to get others into the scene, revive it even moreso and ultimately expand the community and create good new memories that will live on. It's an act of renewal. Whether the BBS experience is modern or old, if you can find something there, no matter how insignificant, it can blossom into something greater. ###### #News# ###### Starting with issue 4, besides the txt format and pdf format, html format will also be distributed. Starting with issue 5, guest columns will(hopefully) start. The subjects will be varied. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ############# #Agency BBS # ############# This one has a spy theme. Very cool. I poked around the various places you could go on the BBS, and eventually went into a chatroom. The people in the chat were very nice and I felt like I could easily get into this community. In any case, this BBS seems to be mostly concerned with messaging and less about games. Even so, I would really give them a try because of how welcoming their community is. The spy theme is one of a kind, as is the color scheme to match it. The SysOp really went all out in their quest to differentiate their BBS. Also, you can connect via SSH, which is pretty cool. I'm all for more security in these regards. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Connection Methods@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ telnet://agency.bbs.nz ssh://agency.bbs.nz:2024 ############# #Alcoholiday# ############# Centered around alcohol, the theme is very prevalent in all the art. It has a very nice laidback atmosphere that makes you feel as if you're in a lounge area. I'd love to meet the SysOp of this place. The other special thing about this place is the myriad of Door games found in it. There were at least 3 game menus. I didn't really check the files, but I imagine they have lots of files as well. Overall, if you like a good atmosphere, I would highly recommend this one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Connection Methods@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ telnet://alco.bbs.io 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ######### #FIDONet# ######### FIDONet is a still in use messagning protocol, used by BBSes to store and forward messages from one place to another. I personally haven't used it, as I don't believe I've encountered any cross-BBS socialization yet. I could go into specifics of the protocol according to wikipedia, but honestly, I don't feel like it as I feel it would be a waste of time to just copy and paste various tidbits from an article anyone can access. I realize I need to be a SysOp to gain a full understanding of how the system works and how I can post more about it. In any case, I'll be sure to update about this again once I gain some understanding by running my own BBS. Look forward to more info and if I can get some feedback from the community concerning this system, that would be great too. ############################ #BBSes and decentralization# ############################ BBSes were, from the very start, decentralized. They continue to be decentralized as well, as no BBS relies entirely upon another. Now, we have centralized services such as Facebook and Twitter, which practically everyone uses. They've been shown to have massive problems, whether with censorship or privacy breaches. That's not to say that BBSes can have the same problems, but the thing is, due to their decentralized nature, if you dislike one BBS community, you can go and freely find another. Most old style services, such as IRC, USENET and many others took the same approach, mostly because, at that time, you were forced to. I think that rather than decentralization staying in the past, it's the future. Mastodon and Manyverse and Matrix have all popped up recently, and they share mostly the same goals as BBSes did in the past. I hope more and more people see the benefits of using these services over the big named ones. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ####### #Links# ####### The BBS Corner http://bbscorner.com/ BBSing http://bbsing.com/ ################ #Game Spotlight# ################ LORD So I briefly played LORD. It was quite fun for a lover of RPGs like myself. I realize the scope of the game and how I need to get better and better at the mechanics and possibly learn how, well, to game the game. To describe LORD, I would call it a standard RPG text adventure with MMO elements, due to the fact that you can message(and kill!) other players within the game. It seems rather ripe for trolling. So I could see how this could be fun, but at the same time not, if the power-leveled players all at once decided to just player kill all the lower level members of the game over and over again. Quite enjoyable game, in any case. ####### #Outro# ####### I hope to play more Door games and I can quickly see this becoming another past-time for me. If you have any recommended Door games, shoot me an email! ######### #Contact# ######### For questions, concerns, comments and anything else, please contact me at the following: mhj@sdf.org Thank you. ############ #Next Issue# ############ BBSes: Aleco Experince Alien Alcove Columns: The emerging Gemini protocol Raspberry Pi and BBSes Game: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #################### #TRANSMISSION ENDED# ####################