Image Dithering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The other day sloum posted an interesting image to[1] It was very unexpected and striking. I had seen similar images of sloum's around various places on the non-web, but this one really piqued my interest. I had played with sloum's lo-fi image dithering tool [2] before, and I vaguely remembered another program of his, called tdiv [3], which allowed viewing images in a terminal by converting them to braille characters. It's a very simple, yet effective tool. [1]: gemini:// [2]: [3]: I spent a little time playing around with tdiv, and quickly became absorbed by it. I found that it works especially well with line drawings or graphics with high contrast. I'm going to play around with it a little more to see what I can make it do. So far it has yielded one fine addition to my sparse gallery here, and a sweet header for my gemini capsule [4]. It's proving to be an effective way to procrastinate on my paper =] [4]: gemini:// September 25, 2020