First Phlog Post Here 2019-01-15 1:02pm PST This is a long overdue first phlog post for this gopher hole. My normal phlogging point is over at Circumlunar Space, and I want to mostly keep it to that. However, I may update here once in a while. The server has been up for ~45 days now. Very few hiccups and no need to restart or perform any major maintenance has been needed in that time. Users tfurrows and cmccabe have been wodnerfully helpful testing out the various bits and pieces of software on the server. I'd definitely like to get a few more original users over here (not just friends from Circumluanr Space), but I guess things take time to grow. The one user that seemed to arrive na- turally has not signed on lately and I imagine has likely moved on. That is also aprt of growing a community. Not every space is the right fit for every user. In any event, if you know anyone that is looking for a small population server to serve up gopher content and chat, point them my way! The software suite here has mostly stabalized and I have been spending most of my coding time the last week or so updating the applications that have been running for awhile. Recent udpates: (Oberon) - Changed game status column in `oberon list` to show whose turn it is in the current game - When `oberon` is called with no arguments, the help menu is shown to the user, rather than an isntruction to run `help`. (Stubb) - Added 'Pipe to' command, which redirects output to a file, tab, or reader (in this case: less). Chalk, CSPC, GAB, and chat have not had any recent changes.