I do not play many video games these days. In my youth I got a nintendo... probably around '91 or '92. I know the super nintendo had either just come out or came out very shortly afterward; which is likely how I came to have a NES: it was on sale. So, I played nintendo a good bit. It was never all too important to me and was mostly something I did with other people. Friends wanted to play video games for hours... so I'd sit and watch them play or we'd play together in the case of multiplayer games. This kind of take it or leave it relationship with video games has stayed with me. I enjoy them from time to time, but dont see what all the fuss is about -mostly. There are a few games that I have an eternal love for. I thought it might be nice to talk about them here. - - - METROID __________ For me there was never a finer game, for any system, than Metroid. It was something so different from any other game out there. Open design, hidden secrets, some level of item management, great music, cool design aesthetic. I was not great at this game as a kid, but I really liked playing it. I still like playing it. I am much better at it now and can beat it pretty quickly all in all. Any time I get in a mood to play a video game this is the one that comes to mind. I forgot to mention that this one wins out over the next one for the simple reason that it is a 2d platformer: the best kind of video game. The Legend of Zelda _____________________ Another game with great music; this one has a much larger emphasis on item management/hunting. It is as much an open world game as Metroid in its way. It also contained secrets all over the place. Lots of fun was had with friends trying to burn every last tree in the forest looking for secrets. I almost never play this one now, but I have fond memories. - - - That is kind of it. Those are the video games that really matter to me. I like a few others, but they are more or less modern takes on concepts developed in those two games. These games include: Skyrim, Journey, Ico, Shadow of the Colosus, and Castlevania Symphony of the Night. All great games, but somehow they just dont sit in my mind the way the first two do. I suppose it is different with people who grew up in different times. I'm sure that there are those born only a few years earlier than me that look back as fondly on Pitfall and Adventure. I hear from people all the time about all of the great SNES and NES64 games... but I never played those systems much. I eventually dabbled in later systems, usually by Sony, but I only every got a game or two for each (ones that I already knew I liked - listed above). Not sure why I decided to write this other than Metroid being on my mind. If you have not played it I highly recommend playing through on an emulator (or original hardware if you've got it). Make sure to do so with a controler and not a keyboard. If you play one for the first time, let me know what you think!