____                                                        _
           / ___|  ___   ___  _ __ ___    __ _  _ __  _ __ ___    ___  | |_
           | |    / _ \ / __|| '_ ` _ \  / _` || '__|| '_ ` _ \  / _ \ | __|
           | |___| (_) |\__ \| | | | | || (_| || |   | | | | | || (_) || |_
            \____|\___/ |___/|_| |_| |_| \__,_||_|   |_| |_| |_| \___/  \__|
        Welcome to Cosmarmot, a Gemini Proxy for Gopher clients.
        You can either follow one of the links below, or construct a 
        Gopher selector for the Gemini page you want to go to.
        In URL form, a gopher-to-gemini selector will look like:
        Starting links: 
 (DIR) Gemini Home Page
 (DIR) Gemini Quickstart
 (DIR) Antenna (a gemlog aggregator)
 (DIR) Newswaffle
        Limitations: Only Gemini 2x and 3x responses are handled.
                     1x response support is planned.
        Have fun out there!