# Circumlunar Gemini Outpost
       ## Project Gemini has moved!!!
       This server, gemini.circumlunar.space, is no longer the official
       home of Project Gemini!  The official protocol specification,
       FAQ and other documentation now lives at geminiprotocol.net:
 (DIR) New official Project Gemini capsule
       Please update your bookmarks, your subscription to the news
       feed, and any links to the project capsule in your content!
       ## CAPCOM aggregator
       This server hosts the first Gemini content aggregator, CAPCOM.
       ## Free Gemini hosting
       In the earlier stages of Project Gemini, free hosting was
       provided at this server.  The offer has been discontinued for
       new users, but existing accounts remain open and content remains
 (DIR) Users with Gemini content on this server