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       # Gemini Quickstart!
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 (DIR) Gemini Quickstart!
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       # What is Gemini?
       Gemini is a new way of using the Internet, separate from the
       World Wide Web you are familiar with. Compared to the WWW, it is
       intended to be:
       * Simpler – Gemini pages aren’t programs that run in your
       browser like most modern websites are; they’re just text with a
       little formatting, so there are no surprises. Once you know how
       one Gemini page works, you know how they all work.
       * Human Scale – Gemini servers and clients aren’t written by
       big, monopolistic software companies the way web browsers are;
       the DIY ethos of Gemini means that complete applications can be
       written by individual developers or small groups in a reasonable
       amount of time. That also means that you have more choices
       compared to web browsers.
       * Distraction Free – Gemini pages are text-only and have simple
       typography. You can view images, watch video, or listen to music
       over Gemini, but nothing will ever autoplay, pop over what
       you’re reading, or jump out of the way of your mouse.
       * Privacy Protecting – Every Gemini request is independent of
       every other, so there’s no way to track you between sites. Every
       site you visit is protected by the same encryption used by
       banking and eCommerce sites on the WWW.
       More details are in the Official Gemini FAQ. Be aware that it’s
       targeted at a more technical audience than this quick start
       page, so you might want to skip it for now and come back later.
       The main thing to know is that you’re going to get a much more
       stripped-down experience compared to the modern WWW, but that’s
       okay! Some of the choices made to keep Gemini simple may seem
       too extreme, compared to even a bare-bones web site, but there
       are hidden benefits that won’t be obvious at first.
       # How do I read pages on Gemini?
       The first thing to do is to install a Gemini client. A Gemini
       client is like a web browser, except instead of browsing the
       web, it browses Geminispace. There are at least a couple of
       Gemini clients available for most platforms. Here, I’m going to
       recommend just one, that I think will feel most familiar or
       least surprising to new users. That doesn’t mean I think the
       other ones are bad. A lot of it is just personal preference,
       just like with web browsers. After you get used to Gemini with
       the client I recommend, you may want to try some others.
       You may be used to doing everything in the web browser, and find
       it strange or uncomfortable to have to install a different
       program to read Gemini pages. But you’ll get used to it; the WWW
       tries to be everything to everyone, both a floor-wax and a
       toothpaste, while Gemini tries to be good at just one thing.
       ## Windows
       You have several options for a Gemini browser on Windows, but
       I’m going to recommend that you install Geminaut, because of its
       comfortable, Windows-native user interface. Download and run the
       latest MSI file from the website. You will get a warning that
       the installer isn’t signed, which is because the developer is an
       independent hobbyist. If you downloaded it directly from the
       link above, it should be safe to “run anyway”.
       [‡ A screenshot of GemiNaut on Windows 10] >>
       Lagrange is another good option – it has more features and is
       lightweight, but the user interface isn’t native like
       GemiNaut’s. There is also a nightly build of Kristall.
 (IMG) >>
       ## MacOS
       There are several Gemini clients that can be built for MacOS,
       but the only one I know of that provides pre-built downloads for
       a released version is Lagrange. That’s okay, because Lagrange is
       a very good browser. The UI doesn’t use native controls, but
       it’s light and fast.
       [‡ A screenshot of Lagrange on MacOS] >> [‡ Another screenshot
       of Lagrange on MacOS] >>
       There may also be nightly builds of Kristall, if you’re so
 (IMG) >>
 (IMG) >>
       ## iOS
       There is one Gemini client on the app store, called Elaho. There
       is another one on TestFlight called Rocketeer.
       [‡ A screenshot of Elaho on iPhone] >>
 (IMG) >>
       ## Android
       For Android, I recommend Ariane. The developer’s site has
       several different download options, but if you are at all
       unsure, you should install from Google Play.
       Deedum is also a good client for Android, but its UI is not
       quite as simple.
       [‡ A screenshot of Ariane on Android 10] >> [‡ A screenshot of
       deedum on Android 10] >>
 (IMG) >>
 (IMG) >>
       ## Linux or Unix (desktop GUI)
       If you’re able to compile programs from source, you are spoiled
       for choice. Most Gemini clients are developed for Linux. The
       main GUI choices are:
       * Lagrange
       * Kristall (QT5)
       * Castor (GTK)
       If you need a binary release, you will probably need to install
       Lagrange. Lagrange is on FlatHub, so if your distribution
       supports FlatPaks, you’re in luck. There is also a nightly
       AppImage of Kristall, if you prefer.
       [‡ A screenshot of Lagrange on Linux (sway)] >> [‡ A screenshot
       of kristall] >> [‡ A screenshot of castor, with quite an odd GTK
       theme] >>
 (IMG) >>
 (IMG) >>
 (IMG) >>
       ## Linux or Unix (terminal or console)
       The situation here is similar to Linux GUI clients, but there
       are at least two that have binary releases:
       * Bombadillo
       * Amfora
       If you’re not sure which you want, go for Amfora; it has more
       familiar keybindings than Bombadillo.
       ## Other
       If there’s no Gemini client for your platform, but there is a
       web browser, you can use a proxy. Either or should work for your needs.
       You shouldn’t use a proxy just because you don’t want to install
       a Gemini client, though! You will miss out on the experience of
       not using the web browser.
       # Where do I point my Gemini client?
       By now, you should have a Gemini client installed. If you’ve
       tried to install one, but gotten stuck, please feel free to give
       me an email at I don’t mind! You can do
       this next part using one of the web portals, but it would be
       better if you had a real client installed.
       First, open up your Gemini client, and arrange it so that you
       can see both the Gemini client and the web browser you’re
       reading this in. You should be able to follow the rest of this
       tutorial in Gemini. In your Gemini client, open
       gemini:// You may or may not be able to click
       on that link from your web browser and have it open up in your
       Gemini client, depending on a lot of nerd stuff that you don’t
       have to care about now. If it doesn’t open up on click, copy and
       paste gemini:// into your Gemini client. You
       should get a page that’s pretty much the same as this one,
       though the colors and fonts may be different. Scroll it down
       until you reach this point, then read the rest of your page in
       your Gemini client, rather than your web browser.
       # Where do I find things to read on Gemini?
       Gemini is pretty new, so like the early web, there’s not as much
       content as you’re used to on the modern web, and too much of it
       is tech stuff. But there’s a lot of other stuff there too, if
       you’re willing to look.
       ## Gemlogs (like blogs)
       One of the main things people have been using Gemini for is
       blogging. And it makes sense, because blogs are mostly text,
       it’s easy to find updates, and the web has made a real mess of
       it, where it hasn’t completely abandoned it to social media.
       Several of the clients recommended above have built in
       feed-readers for subscribing to gemlogs and staying informed
       about updates. If yours does, I recommend that you take
       advantage of that feature as you find gemlogs you want to read.
       It will be more flexible than depending on a feed aggregator
       hosted by someone else, and easier than setting up your own feed
       But to find feeds to subscribe to, you’re best off starting with
       an aggregator someone else is running. This is a list of
       well-known public aggregators in Geminispace.
       * CAPCOM is run by Solderpunk, the founder of the Gemini
       project. It knows about over 200 Gemini feeds, but picks 100
       every month to display. It’s a good way of finding feeds to
       * Spacewalk is an aggregator that follows every update to the
       pages it follows. This makes it a little less accurate than
       CAPCOM, but can follow pages that don’t announce their updates.
       * gmisub aggregates over 100 feeds using the Gemini simple feed
 (DIR) Spacewalk
 (DIR) gmisub
 (DIR) Gemini simple feed
       ## Curated directories of interesting pages by topic
       Because Geminispace is a lot smaller than the web, it’s still
       somewhat possible to hand-curate a list of interesting sites.
       You may remember how Yahoo! got its start as a curated index of
       links by topic.
       * is an index similar to the old Yahoo!. You can
       browse by topic, or search.
       * Gemini Discovery is a index of search engines and indices you
       can use to find things you’re interested in.
 (DIR) Gemini Discovery
       ## Searching
       You can also search Gemini, just like you can search the web.
       However, it’s not indexed by Google or Bing or DuckDuckGo; we
       have our own search engines. Or rather, search engine. There
       have been three search engines built for Gemini, but only one is
       currently active:
       That said, search is not as important, currently, on Gemini as
       it is on the WWW. Subscriptions and cross-site links are the
       main ways of finding new things.
       # How do I publish/share things on Gemini?
       This part is a little harder, but people are busily working on
       making it easier! The first thing that you should know is that
       there’s no direct equivalent of the WWW’s social media sites on
       Gemini. Gemini doesn’t have a built-in method for posting
       things, so most people posting on Gemini right now are using
       separate tools to write their pages or posts and to upload them
       to a server. And that’s leaving out registering an account on
       the server, which is usually done manually by the site owner!
       But that situation is going to get better. Right now, there are
       a few Gemini sites where the “separate tools” for registering an
       account and posting pages or updates are web applications, and
       it’s likely that someone will make an integrated native
       ## Gemini sites with WWW applications for posting
       * The Midnight Pub is a hybrid Gemini site with a “local pub”
       theme. Some people post regular gemlogs, some people role-play
       the part of patrons at the pub. It’s kind of a slow-paced social
       media site. Registration requires emailing the bartender to ask
       them for a key, but don’t be shy – they just want to make sure
       you’re not a spammer. People can subscribe to a feed of just
       your posts, or a feed of everyone at the pub.
       * Gemlog.Blue is a site that makes it easy to maintain a gemlog.
       You can register on the WWW side of the site, and create, edit,
       or delete posts through the web interface, and view them through
       Gemini. People can subscribe to a feed of your posts.
       * Flounder is another site with a web application for posting.
       It’s more general-purpose than Gemlog.Blue or the Midnight Pub.
       The registration page asks where you heard about Flounder, but
       it’s really just a low-tech anti-spam measure. Tell them this
       page sent you.
 (DIR) The Midnight Pub
 (DIR) Gemlog.Blue
       ## Gemini sites with public account signup
       Shared hosting on Gemini today is pretty similar to shared
       hosting on the WWW in 1999, but in general more
       community-oriented and friendlier. If you think of these sites
       as being like GeoCities, but without neon backgrounds and
       blinking “under construction” GIFs, you won’t be too far wrong.
       With these sites, you will sign up, either via the web or email,
       and have a space that you can access with a native graphical
       file transfer application such as FileZilla (Windows, MacOS, or
       Linux). You’ll write Gemtext documents on your own computer,
       then copy them to your host with Filezilla or a similar program.
       Some of these sites will want you to send an SSH public key,
       which may sound too technical, but Digital Ocean has a pretty
       good guide to using them with FileZilla. It’s focused on their
       own VPS service, but most of it should apply here, too.
 (DIR) Gemtext
       One warning – if you’re on Windows and you’re not careful with
       how you install Filezilla, you may end up with some additional
       bundled software you don’t want. For Windows users, I recommend
       Winscp as an alternative.
       * offers free Gemini hosting on subdomains (like
       ‘’) that are also reachable by http. Sign-up
       is by email to Adële, the host, and access to your files is by
       SFTP or FTPS. Overall, this seems like one of the most friendly
       site hosting options for newcomers.
       * If you are a French speaker, you might look at Un bon café, a
       French Gemini hosting service that aims to be simple and use
       sFTP for uploading content. They also offer an email hosting
       service. The service is free.
       * offers free hosting. Unlike some of the others,
       your site gets automatically updated from a git repository you
       maintain, so this one is probably not best for non-technical
       people, unless you have a hankering to learn git.
       * SourceHut Pages offers free Gemini hosting. Their setup is
       probably more complex than non-technical users will want to
       engage with, but it’s free, and it’s somewhat less involved than
       running your own Gemini server.
       * Jae’s Gemini pod offers free hosting, on a subdomain or your
       own domain. You’ll need to send the owner a SSH public key, a
       name for your website, and the domain name or subdomain you want
       to use.
       * Main Street in Nightfall City offers Gemini, Gopher, and WWW
       hosting at the center of downtown Nightfall City, home of the
       Midnight Pub. The hosting here is a little more hands-on, but
       more flexible. You’ll need an account name and SSH public key.
       The online help focuses on terminal tools, but you should be
       able to use FileZilla or similar to upload your pages.
       * offers free shared hosting. Your capsule will have its
       own subdirectory. Instructions are on the site.
 (DIR) Un bon
 (DIR) SourceHut Pages
 (DIR) Jae’s Gemini pod
 (DIR) Main Street in Nightfall
       ## Pubnixes and Tildes
       A pubnix is a PUBlic uNIX server, a kind of shared computer for
       use by members of a community. They’re usually used by logging
       in to a terminal interface using an SSH (secure shell) client.
       That’s actually a very good way to dip your toes into the more
       technical side of Gemini (and Gopher, and WWW) hosting, but it’s
       understandable if it’s not for you. Many pubnixes offer Gemini
       hosting to their members.
       These are a few pubnixes with Gemini hosting:
       * The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency
       * The Mare Tranquillitatis People’s Circumlunar Zaibatsu
       * The Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic
       * Ctrl-C Club
       * Park City
       * RawTextClub
       * SDF Public Access UNIX System
 (DIR) The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist
 (DIR) The Mare Tranquillitatis People’s Circumlunar
 (DIR) The Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic
 (DIR) Ctrl-C Club
 (DIR) Park City
 (DIR) RawTextClub
 (DIR) SDF Public Access UNIX System
       ## Self-hosting guides (here be monsters)
       It’s not hard, as these things go to set up a Gemini server on a
       VPS (Virtual Private Server), a collocated server, or a
       Raspberry Pi in a shoebox under the bookshelf your router sits
       on. However “as these things go” covers a lot of evils. You’ll
       generally need to be familiar with the Unix or Linux
       command-line, installing software from a distribution
       repository, and with compiling software from source.
       I do not yet have any How-To documents collected for
       self-hosting a Gemini server. Please let me know if you find or
       write one!
       # Conclusion
       That’s it! Hopefully by this point you have found some things
       you want to read on Gemini, ideally things you’ve subscribed to
       that will keep you coming back. And if things have gone really
       well, you’ll have established a foothold of your on in
       Geminispace, and I’ll be reading something you’ve shared in not
       too long.
       If any of the steps in this document were unclear or you need
       help for another reason, please feel free to email
       If you see something that’s missing (like a hosting site you
       want to recommend), or something wrong, please mail
       Thank you for reading! See you out there!
 (DIR) //
 (DIR) //
 (DIR) //
       © Jason McBrayer, 2023
       [‡ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
       NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 License]
       Powered by Hugo, theme Anubis.
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 (DIR) Jason McBrayer