Acting captain's log, Archer-51, entry number three: Coordinates, encoded 79532BD8-3DED-4FF4-A922-E3B2737BA5D5. Intergalactic time spec follows this log. I have recovered the Archer-51's manifest from the archives. I have instructed J3N67 to post it to QEC. Unfortunately, it provides little in the way of context. It is not unusual for the Space Force to contract with Bowyers & Fletchers for shipping. What is somewhat unusual is for this flight to have been crewed exclusively by SSSF personnel. Usually, B&FC supplies most of the crew, with one or two SSSF specialists on board to look after protocol. However, the manifest indicates this flight was to have been commanded by Lt. Colonel Courtenay, whom I happen to know from my time at the Academy - she taught a course on avionics - and further crewed by a number of SSFF officers and enlisted specialists. If the flight was to be strictly military in nature, why was it assigned to a civilian craft with no civilian crew? And not only is the rest of the crew missing, so is the cargo. I have visited the cargo hold and found no Model Eight containers. Instead, I have found only one B&FC Model Six container containing provisions, as is standard on all flights. It appears to contain provisions for the full crew of twelve. (So at least I shouldn't run out of food and health products any time soon.) Furthermore, while the Archer was directed for Ganymede, we are currently far off course at 79532BD8-3DED-4FF4-A922-E3B2737BA5D5. I have instructed J3N67 to get us back on course as soon as possible, but this could take weeks given how large of a divergence we are on. I am still not prepared to issue a mayday call. J3N67 and I have things well under control - it is just a matter of determining our next course of action. I will continue to update as these questions are answered. Per aspera ad astra. End log. Intergalactic time spec, compressed format: d9bdeefb52c32ddfc34d89fa1e2f995f0fdbcf47ae8faa3a3e466568e3f8844977255cad 187b762b7468bf7b24a48c59b6e5ded1f349377097fb5f482b729556