Message inbound... Space Cruiser Excelsior Destination: Unknown ~~ TELEMETRY SENSORS 1 AND 3 DOWN ~~ Stardate Beta Epsilon 4 Epsilon --SYSTEMS DATA WITHHELD DUE TO PROCEDURE [REDACTED]-- [autotranslator on] Corporal Sam Arnold, Systems Administrator --- To Malkonkordo, Perhaps I was unclear. I acknowledge that you are justified in seeking war with the Starbloom. However, I am simply stating that a war over something as petty as a misunderstanding would be deeply misunderstood. I have not heard much of the Dekaoso, but you seem to be very honorbound, which is more than I can say of most of the others I've met or read of. I must ask for a clarification of what you mean regarding the anarcho-communists of Hoffnung. They are not brave or honorable. Killing the guards in battle would be preferable, however they have taken it upon themselves to kill the guards in a way that brings no risk to themselves. With no risk to themselves. I fail to see they are honorable in any way. If you still wish to do battle with us (which I would not recommend), you won't find us in Sol. We have flung ourselves far from its reach in an attempt to find a planet that could possibly support habitable life given our lack of data due to the circumstances in which we left Terra. (I'm still not happy you assume everybody else's maps are inferior. While ours most certainly are, we were rushed in our departure from our planet Terra, which we hold dear.) -- TRANSMISSION END --