Good news: I'm not losing my mind. After my meltdown in the lab, I spoke with Kieran and she told me there have been rumors that the weird structure in orbit over Eos has something to do with it. Something about transforming the thoughts of the gods to a frequency human minds pick up or something. I don't know about that, but if it'll stop the insanity on Spirehold, I have to investigate. I've vowed to end this insanity before it becomes the death of us all. In the process, I should be able to secure the antidote as well. Win-win. ~̷̻̚~̸̠́~̷̤̅ U̵̥̚S̷͍̕E̵̛͎R̷͇̈́:̶̡̚ ̴̯̇A̵̗̽S̸͈̾T̷̯͊R̴̙̆Ǐ̸͇D̶̤̓ ̶̧̔E̸̫̐R̶͎͑Í̴̬S̸̖͒ Ş̷̏Y̵͍̔S̴̔ͅT̷̞̂E̶̛͍M̵̝̋:̵̼͑ ̵̨̓V̴̄͜O̵̝̓I̷̧̓Ḓ̸̆Ċ̴̘Õ̵̖M̶̞̽M̷̯͠ ~̴̮̎~̶̨̂~̵͉̈́