------------------ TRANSMISSION BEGIN ------------------ SOURCE: Hopes and Expectations PRIORITY: LOW (4) METHOD: QEC SUBSYSTEM (CONNECTED) ENCODING: PLAINTEXT SHIP CLASS: HSS TYPE B CARGO HAULER ENGINES: 4x HSS 'STARGAZER' ION-THRUSTERS 1x HSS 'TRINITY' METHALOX ENGINE ARMAMENTS: 2x ORBITAS PULSE-LASER EMITTERS REACTOR STATUS: NOMINAL FUEL RESERVE: 62% LAST BURN: 16 HOURS AGO COMPUTER: OPERATIONAL CREW: 1 ------------- MESSAGE BEGIN ------------- I've been out in the void for about.. a week now. Only the occassional creak from the hull flexing, and the continual thrum of the reactor and attitude engines to keep me company. I've been listening to music of course, I've got quite the archive of files from the old times. Before we spread, before we seeded these stars. Running laps around the ship keeps me occupied, that and playing the odd game of chess against the computer to keep my brain stimulated. I find exercise helps a lot with the solitude. So far the journey has been uneventful, nothing much to report. You may be wondering where I'm headed. To be honest, that's.. part of the journey, for me. I don't know where I'm headed, or what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing in a literal sense; I know how to pilot and maintain a ship, and I have plenty of supplies. In terms of where I want to go however, well.. wherever my heart takes me, I guess. Maybe I'll settle down on a warm sunny beach on some distant world, build a treehouse in a jungle that envelops an entire planet, or plunge my craft beneath an ocean and live like a fish. Who knows, the options are all on the table. Right now I'm setting course for a distant star system. It's got a habitable world that looks like it has some ore on it, so hopefully I can fuel both myself and my ship. I'm a long way from home. There are no spare parts, no stations to dock and resupply, and not a soul out here aside from myself. Maybe I'll find an alien, wouldn't that be funny? .. actually I'd rather not entertain the thought. - Markus ----------- MESSAGE END ----------- MESSAGE HASH: D33BA25B EMBEDDED DATA: NONE ---------------- TRANSMISSION END ----------------