-------------------------------- SQUIGGLE-FREE LOGGING SOFTWARE SENDER: 2M -------------------------------- "Merry meet" Susan, Speaker Elect of... something~ I have a few questions. 1. Excuse my language, but what the F[THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN PROHIBITED FROM BEING SENT DUE TO FOUL LANGUAGE] 2. You're talking like some sort of lowkey cultist. Not that that's bad or anything, and that's also not a question, but what-have-you. 3. Is this "2M Supernova" thing a joke?! I asked Boss about this "Lucky Homes" thing, and also about whoever you and Starbloom are. He doesn't know. I calculated our distance from your coordinates, and we are approximately 300 megaparsecs apart. I will literally never see this "2M Supernova" you speak of. Anyway, so you want to know about the screaming snapdragon? I personally don't know much about it, other than that it's incredibly annoying and screams at around 110 decibels almost constantly. It screams louder when it's being transferred to new soil or being trimmed, to the point where the ship's local deaf guy is usually the one to do it. It is about twice as tall as the garden's Earthly snapdragons and is apparently somewhat chemovorous, mostly metabolizing the chemicals in the dirt. I decided to go back to its containment chamber to see what else I could tell you about. It has a tongue, as I suspected. It was also retrieved about 10 megaparsecs from your current location, if that helps. I can also attach its gene file to this log that your folks can analyze, if that's what you're into. ATTACHED FILES: [stupid_dumb_plant.dna] --------- END LOG ---------