\[E;=35\[E;]=22 \[N;"LOGIN ******"; \[N;"--AUTHORIZE--"; ==== THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE FROM 0x4e657264 ==== \[F;"--HEADER--"; QEC-DIMENSION=3954 TERMINAL=xvt-3980 SHIP=MH-8494e6 \[F;"--ENTRY--"; Unauthorized access has been detected. Enhanced security measures enabled. === If you're reading this, that means you've found our ship Leave it now. Please, for your safety. You cannot fight them. Although if you're reading this, it might be too late. === 2/21/86/17/100 Captain Brets 629 418 470 965 978 177 165 980 208 506 635 977 431 151 175 930 840 859 347 494 892 661 567 182 279 655 449 574 114 928 === \[N;"--EOF--";