======================== ===TRANSMISSION BEGIN=== ====Logged as: Raya===== ====Date: 1715339227==== ======================== NOTICE: automatic transcript of comms. Errors may occur. ************************ ****TRANSCRIPT BEGIN**** ************************ SYSTEM ALERT | CODE 0037 | RISK LEVEL: MODERATE Sophos: I'm going, I'm going, be patient. By the way, have you closed the comms? Raya: Sure! How could I forget? We definetely don't want to broadcast everything to EVERYONE ... Sophos: Fine. I'm going. AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Footsteps on metal. Probably stairs. Sophos: I reached the engines area. Everything seems fine here. Raya: ... Mmmh, I'm not an engineer or anything, but there is a huge red dot next to the engine area on the holo map here Sophos: But wait a second, are you sure it is an error? Is it not something like a warning? SYSTEM ALERT | CODE 0037 | RISK LEVEL INCREASED TO HIGH AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Hysterical human screming. Female voice. Raya: Oh god, it now says high risk! Oh god ... Sophos: Ok, it definitely is an error. Raya: How are you so calm? Was it the Elanor tea I gave you earlier! I swear I did not drop any of my pills in there Sophos: Well it effectively was strange... Maybe too many years in the closet? Raya: Please just fix whatever is wrong and come back up, I have a bad feeling about this. Sophos: Maybe it is not something engine-related. I'm going to the Disposal Zone to investigate. -- AUTOMATIC EXPLANATION -- The Disposal Zone is one of the main areas in the station. The name speaks for itself. We are tired of writing this documentation, so please understand. -- END -- Raya: If anything strange comes up, I'm coming to help. Sophos: Don't worry about it, the problem is just going to be some screw or something. AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Glass Shattering, version 2 Raya: Did you break something? Sophos: I don't think so... It seemed to come from behind that door Raya: Don't go there, for the love of God Sophos: You speak of God after all we lived? God abandoned us, it's clear. That's why we joined the NewHope: we must replace God. That kinda reminds me of some philosopher of Old Earth, but that name is probably lost to time. Raya: Sorry, an old habit. Anyways, are you ok? What is going on there? AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Door Opening Sophos: Oh God. Raya: Didn't you just say there is no God? ... Seriously though, hello? Are you still there? AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Screeching Raya: Hello?!? Sophos: Don't worry, that wasn't from here. Although there is something really strange here. Raya: Please explain ... Sophos: unintelligible gibberish - AUTOMATIC SCAN OF THE AREA - A lot of waste One human being Piles of scratch parts Unidentified substance -- Sophos: ... so this is strange indeed. It covers everything, I don't know... Are you perhaps a xeno-bio-chemical engineer? Raya: Well no, but if it moves I can definitely kill it ... Sophos: Always killing... that's not what the NewHope taught us! Raya: If said thing is an obstacle to our mission I'm sure the Mission will benefit from it! Sophos: Raya... It moved... Moved is not exactly correct... It... grew? Raya: I'm coming. AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Footsteps Raya: Wow, reading that holo map was complicated... Sophos: It wasn't at all. Have you never been on a Galactic ReFueling Station before? Raya: Even if I were, I was heavily drugged so I guess it wouldn't count. Anyways, let's clean this mess. Sophos, whispering: That explains the tea... Raya: I swear I didn't put anything in your tea, Sophos!!! Sophos: Well we'll see what the medkit will say... By the way, would you like to enter that room? It is, guaranteed, an experience to be lived... Raya: Sure thing. Sophos: Just don't break anything. I have enough things to fix to keep this old wreck flying... AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Light footsteps Raya: Oh god, that weird gunk is everywhere Sophos: Collect some samples. I'm sure the Project would want 'em! Raya: Thankfully I always have some scraps on me, I'll put some on this piece of metal. Do I need to clean anything in particular to make that annoying error go away? Sophos: Do you see that little panel at the other side of the room? That with those flickering lights, you see it? If you press that button everything in the room you are will be thrown in the void. Just be fast to exit... Raya: Okay, one heavy breath ... I did it, I guess? It's beeping. AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Alarm system going off Raya: Whoosh, did it. Sophos: You pressed the yellow button right? Raya: Everything is getting thrown out so I guess so? It was dark. Sophos: Well I guess this is fine. Do you have the samples? Raya: Yes, here. Let's go back up. Sophos: I'm going to the scientific area to put them down. I'll reach you on the deck as soon as I finish. Raya: Perfect. Don't die to some other mystical slime in the mean time. Sophos: No no don't worry AUTOMATIC SOUND RECOGNITION: Pieces of Metal hitting each other Sophos: CENSORED Raya: Here we go again ... Sophos: No no everything is fine! Everything is fine! The thing didn't touch the ground. I'm bringing it to the lab. ** Silent Error ** Unidentified spores detected near the Scientific Lab. Risk: undefined. Necessity to intervene: NaN. Message irrelevant, discarding **** ************************ *****TRANSCRIPT END***** ************************ ======================== ====TRANSMISSION END==== ========================