-------------------------------- | BLACK BOX OS v05.10.16 -------------------------------- STATUS........................OK SEQUENCE.........TRANSCRIPT DUMP DESTINATION..................QEC ENCRYPTION.......MANUAL OVERRIDE -------------------------------- Day of Journey........TWO MONTHS POST LAUNCH Location of Recording....ENGINES Begin Transcript ================================================================================ Engineer Thomas Coldsmith ------------------------- Ach, that bloody flop Ragnar must have had both thumbs in his eyes when he agr- eed to this bloody ship. Even as a wee lad I woulda been able to tell this buc- ket of bolts is not worth the scravin credits. And the fool diddun buy this de- ath trap, oh no. The flamin' gallah has indentured himself for ten years inste- ad. I swear if the bastard hadn't of saved my hide I woulda told him to shove his ship into the nearest black hole. He's a lucky man, that's for sure. I don't t- hink anyone else would have the skills to take this flying abomination and make it right besides me. What was I going to say... I wonder if the still is done... Oh, that's right. We are only several weeks away from dear Kassabar. When we connected to the pl- anets infonet I started lookin for jobs worthy of my time. Found one that looks like a bit of fun: retro-fitting racing darts. Apparently they use artificial gravity generators to hold a few hundred asteroids together and scatter race markers throughout. Brave and studpid lads then navigate through the ever chan- ging course. Sounds like a wee bit o' fun if I do say so myself. I managed to land a job in one of the pit crews. Only a *little* bit of exager- ation in my application. *Coldsmith laughs heartily* I'm not sure what the others have lined up. Speaking of others, bloody Hasig n- early gave me a heart attack last meal. Apparently Fenoff believes Hasig is re- ady to become a Mother, so she has began the year-long transition. I've heard of them before, but it was my first time seeing a Daughter with the blood red eyes. I knocked over a full stein of my favorite homebrew. That damned Lomere just laughed as if it was the greatest joke in the world. Not only did I have to appologize for my rude outburst, Fenoff insisted I did, I lost the last of that scravin' vintage. It's going to be hard to look at those eyes for an entire year. But I already have the next batch going in the still so I won't have to do it alone. =============================================================================== END RECORDING