------------------------------------------ - Official Ship Log - RP Tevat - XR-0056 - ------------------------------------------ NOTE: UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SHIP LOG AND/OR LETTERHEAD IS A CLASS III DEMERIT AND CAN BE PENALIZED BY NO MORE THAN THREE LUNAR UNITS IN BRIG. TIME 0280 DATE 1554782 USER DSHAD As of 0000, Acting Captain Selah has been releived of duty. I have been appointed by council to be the latest in a distinguished and hallowed line of captains of this vessel. Though our mission has thus far failed to locate a new homeworld, I remain confident in the health and longevity of our crew compliment. Navigation has informed me that a promising system is located within three lunar units' travel from our current position. I have advised the helm to adjust our heading accordingly. Provisions remain well-stocked and hydroponic pods 1-3 remain operational. Pods 4-5 are still under ongoing repair after incident with hostile entities. Crew compliment after casualty reports measures at 342, down from 386 reported last week. Damage to life support and engine minimal. Repairs will be finished by end of day. End log.