PERSONAL LOG, ENTRY #2503 AUTHOR: Malcom D. It is now almost five fortnight since we left Fnynzr for a better work and for a better life in general. Our old friend Nathan sent us a wave just in time for our departure. Good news: both of us will have, indeed, a job on Rqtr. It is still not clear what the job will be about, but it will be well paid, for both of us. I'm glad Nathan made it in time. It is quite difficult to get a departure slot on a small outpost such as Fnynzr. If his wave had arrived late, we would have departed anyway, and stayed on orbit for a little while while waiting for it. Feasible, but annoying. So, Rqtr is our next direction. The distance between Fnynzr and Rqtr is small enough to be covered 'old style', which is both good and bad. It doesn't require us to sustain the expense of a wormhole, but it's also so boring! And definitely not long enough to justify a cryogenic nap. If anything I've got plenty of time to think of our son's instruction, and even to exercise our hobbies. Another two fortnight and we will reach Rqtr's border. Equipping the SVERSYL with a blue radiation filter was expensive, but it turned out to be good idea: the journey is quite long, and the blue radiation of Evtry would have forced us to close all the viewports. I'm happy because our inner garden looks super healthy, and we get to eat some decent greens. I'm putting in good use Arnold's goodbye present, and I'm learning how to cook with herbs. EOF