Well hello there.. if anyone can hear. I found this "QEC" routine buried deep in the ancient stack. Guess Ill give it a try and see if its can still transmit.Space! Can't believe how minimal the bandwidth it requires. To be honest I really doubt it still works. Betsy is on her way to Kaplan-V as I'm sipping the infamous Goranian Dark coffee trying to wake from the Deepness. I think every travelling merchant would concur, hyper space travel is just so boring I mean otherwise I wouldn't even bother to try this QEC out would I? Of course Comp Archaeology IS one of my many hobbies and I do enjoy digging ancient routine stack and amaze at the queer routines ancient people have created! OK that's enough jargon for now. Ship duty awaits. Damn Goranian coffee are intense! Guess I'll be hyper efficient for another 10 std hours!