BOT PROTOCOL: NTKA-TXT-LRCOM:BROADCAST-OPEN-1WAY FROM: SC-Outpost 31416 Dulzagua COM CLASS: Personal Log TSA CLEAR: T4M1S3N4 34 KPA CLEAR: KR-1245.444 NUM: 2 LANG: GLOBEN SUBJECT: My adventures!!! REPLY: Verboten S32 Minors Protection Volkslaw ================================== - - - - - - Dulzaga - - - - - - ·································· --- Early Settlement Outpost --- ================================== 0--|------1---------2---------3---------4---------| Dear Someone, I am not good at dealing with people. I run into trouble again. That's not important. But I went to be with Uzruk. She's a Dulzaga creature, classified as a mammal analog but not quite for her species have four holes in their skulls. That's important for scientific reasons. We kids call them walking whales, but they are more like huge seals and don't really walk. (Don't blame me on that name, some kid chose it, and everybody else followed her, or him). Uzruk is special. I think she's the grandmother ruler of her group, the 22 of them. And I think she likes me, for she lets me approach the cubs and touch them, and if their moms snurt at me, she snurts at them and they all calm down. Mostly, I just stand near her, in shirt and trunk and she gets to me to cover me from the rain with her huge body. Mom says walking wales can grow to 9 meters of length, but Uzruk must be larger. Oh, and I help them with those U-shaped parasytes. They are great fun to pluck out. Good thing they don't bite humans. But, it's better just to be with Uzruk. She's kind and quiet, very so quiet. ~ Pioneer Stormbird FTJ 0--|------1---------2---------3---------4---------| Next line should be blank. EOT