       A once-thriving station that specialized in taking the raw material
       of the asteroid cluster of its parent system. Now it sits long 
       abandoned, but with the potential to become something new.
       Stormsong - Ship Log
 (TXT) 890 >> Stormsong - Arrival.
 (TXT) 891 >> Stormsong - First Steps.
 (TXT) 892 >> Stormsong - To : Markus - Hopes and Expectation
 (TXT) 893 >> Stormsong - Darkstar
 (TXT) 895 >> Stormsong - Status Report 001 - Darkstar
 (TXT) 896 >> Stormsong - Chat Log
       © 2024 singletona082
 (TXT) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (share and remix with attribution, no commercial use)