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       #Post#: 46057--------------------------------------------------
       Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Moira Date: June 13, 2024, 5:32 am
       ... they are flying around in here once again .... must be the
       time of year again ................ they are driving me nuts and
       one even got into my eye ... under glass in my glasses
       #Post#: 46058--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Linda Date: June 13, 2024, 12:05 pm
       I have my ever present solution for  you dear
       friend.............window screens and a screen door!
       Please don't hit me.  [emoji23]
       #Post#: 46071--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: DarienJ Date: June 14, 2024, 1:33 am
       Bwhahaha……..well said Linda 😂
       Do you have a lot of fruit out on display? If so I have heard if
       you place a cinnamon stick in the bowl it deters them.
       #Post#: 46084--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Moira Date: June 14, 2024, 3:34 am
       Shut up Lady Linda .... these black flies are so tiny they could
       get through any window screens or even a net curtain
       !!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have fruit lying around .. don't eat it
       much and if I do it is kept in the fridge !
       I seem to remember they were around this time last year and the
       year before in the Studio too !!!!!!!!!!!!!
       #Post#: 46095--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Linda Date: June 14, 2024, 2:20 pm
       Ummmmm............those must be the tiniest bugs on earth then.
       Our screens don't allow ANYTHING into our house unless there is
       a tear in the screen.
       #Post#: 46103--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Moira Date: June 15, 2024, 4:09 am
       Wel they are tiny but I can see them flying round and I See them
       on the windows and this computer screen and of course my white
       walls ! It is too cold now to have the doors or windows open
       anyway ! !!!!!!!!!!  :)
       #Post#: 46111--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Linda Date: June 15, 2024, 10:46 am
       Oh  yes, it's your winter so you don't have the door and windows
       open, that's GOOD.  I suppose the bugs get in when you go in and
       Do they bite?
       #Post#: 46117--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Moira Date: June 16, 2024, 4:03 am
       Well something bites me and I do blame mossies but it is a bit
       cold for them now !
       #Post#: 46123--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Linda Date: June 16, 2024, 7:53 am
       Here in the summer we have a tiny little bug that people call
       "no seeums", they are so small and they bite.  I've never had a
       problem but then I'm not an outdoors person.  I think they have
       a very short season though.
       #Post#: 46130--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tiny black flies..... 
       By: Moira Date: June 17, 2024, 4:19 am
       HAhahaha I love it .... NO Seeums :) Maybe that is what we have
       here BUT I can see them even if they are tiny !
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