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       #Post#: 46351--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: Moira Date: June 26, 2024, 3:56 am
       BUT our door here leads straight onto carpet... well I put down
       a BIG Mat inside the door but IT Is also dirty but does not show
       the mud as it is darker than the carpet !!!!!!! Maybe I need a
       dark carpet piece outside the door on the deck ... for ALL feet
       and paws !!!!!!!!!!!! You do need to let your dog out at night
       .... !!! Luckily Juno does not go far ! Juno sheds lots of hair
       too but you cannot see it except when you really look at your
       clothes if she has been near you .....or after you vac it up and
       the vac is full !!!!!!
       I got down on my hands a knees this morning with a bowl of hot
       water and washing up liquid plus some vinegar and I scrubbed
       part of the carpet near the door .. it IS not perfect BUT It is
       better than it was BUT I had enough on my knees
       :))))))))))))))))))))))))))  I will do some more the next time I
       feel in the mood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       I see what you mean about the size of a coat for Juno so I will
       measure her :)
       #Post#: 46359--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: DarienJ Date: June 26, 2024, 4:44 pm
       A good dirt catching mat outside the door might help, but I have
       one outside the back door and inside too, but a dog doesn't wipe
       it's paws, at least mine didn't [emoji1]Hugo was a long haired
       dog, as were all my Border Collies, so I always had hair
       everywhere even though I vacuumed everyday!!!!! At least I don't
       have to do that anymore. There have been many times I have been
       on my knees scrubbing either the carpet or the rug. At leat it's
       easier having tiles at my back door and laminate wooden floors
       at my front door, but I also have a mat outside and inside the
       front door as well [emoji6]
       #Post#: 46367--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: Moira Date: June 27, 2024, 3:37 am
       Methinks it is easier without any animals ... or kids
       At lease it was dry with a bit of sunshine today, so the carpet
       is not suffering !
       #Post#: 46376--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: DarienJ Date: June 27, 2024, 3:59 pm
       Yes it is easier in that their is much less mess and dirt, but I
       do miss the company of a dog, especially as I have always had
       one. I am just not ready.
       We have had nice weather here this past week, lovely clear blue
       skies, but my goodness the mornings and nights have been chilly
       #Post#: 46384--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: Moira Date: June 28, 2024, 3:10 am
       Same here re: the decent daytime weather but it is COLD Now and
       I have the heating on and a blanket round my legs :) Cold nights
       and cold mornings :)
       So you are not looking for another pet ???? [emoji170]
       #Post#: 46391--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: DarienJ Date: June 28, 2024, 4:55 pm
       No, I am not looking for another dog, I don't know if I will. I
       always thought I couldn't be without a dog, but you do get used
       to it. I just can't picture any other dog, other than Maggie,
       being here anymore. I will not say 'never' and if a dog should
       choose us, but otherwise, no. I have dogs in the family that I
       can get cuddles from when I need them.
       #Post#: 46397--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: Moira Date: June 29, 2024, 3:58 am
       I can remember you saying once upon a time how you cannot
       imagine living without a dog :) I can imagine IF a poor we
       doggie was ever looking for a home ..... ??????
       #Post#: 46403--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: DarienJ Date: June 29, 2024, 4:22 pm
       There are thousands of dogs looking for forever homes in the
       pounds and in all the rescue organisations, it's so sad to see.
       People are so cruel really [emoji34] There maybe one out there
       that will choose me somehow, with Maggie and Hugo guiding me to
       them. Robert certainly doesn't want another dog, Maggies death
       hurt him too much, she was a Daddy's girl really.
       It's so lovely to see and hear that Juno has settled in so well,
       Ridgebacks are such lovely dogs. You would never think that they
       bred to hunt down and hold at bay, lions as they are such lovely
       pet [emoji7]
       #Post#: 46409--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: Moira Date: June 30, 2024, 4:15 am
       You never know maybe one day :) [emoji170]
       I don't think anyone has ever taken Juno out hunting but I think
       she might not like any other animal around ! She is used to
       Maggie now as long as there is NO food around but if Baz comes
       anywhere near she barks and gets annoyed ! SO Baz stays away :)
       Maggie was also supposed to be a hunting dog and Dan and a mate
       took her hunting  .. a few years ago now and she did not play
       the game :)
       #Post#: 46415--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Victoria
       By: DarienJ Date: June 30, 2024, 4:10 pm
       Border Collies were bred to herd sheep, Kiska was afraid of them
       [emoji23] Just because a dog was bred for a purpose hundreds of
       years ago, doesn't mean that they maintain that particular gene.
       Most breeds do though. Jenna used to herd the girls and the
       neighbourhood kids up all the time [emoji3] Maggie must have
       been like Kiska in that respect then.
       Baz is still a pup really and no doubt too exuberant for an
       elderly lady.
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