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       #Post#: 46214--------------------------------------------------
       Home From Hospital
       By: Linda Date: June 19, 2024, 7:25 pm
       Well, you girls have been updated by Pam so you know what's been
       going on with me.  The cancer has spread to my brain and is the
       cause of the eye problem I've been having.  Yesterday my lip was
       droopy and when I would drink some of the liquid would leak out
       of my mouth, hard to explain and strange.  I called my GP here
       and the nurse told me to go to the ER so that's where we went
       and where I spent the night.  They got me a room in Intensive
       Care and I was moved there.  The neuro surgeon wanted me to be
       closely monitored so that's why I was put in Intensive Care.
       After we left the hospital today I went to a cancer treatment
       center, not the one where I go for chemo, but a different one.
       They made a mask for me to wear when I have the upcoming
       radiation treatments on my head.  I can't even begin to explain
       it, it's so odd.
       We have two cancer treatment centers here in town and now I will
       be going to both of them.
       Everyone is so sad and upset about me.  I hate causing all of
       this distress but of course I can't help it.
       My treatments start tomorrow, they are wasting NO TIME.  I'll
       have ten treatments.  I don't know if I'll feel like going to
       Joe surprise party on Saturday or not.  The doctor says it's
       fine if I feel like it.  Right now I would say I'm not going but
       maybe I'll feel better in the next day or two.
       #Post#: 46221--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: DarienJ Date: June 20, 2024, 2:45 am
       I am so relieved to see you home. Pam has filled us in on
       everything, but I don't know if Moira has seen it to read it. We
       will soon find out.
       You can't help what is happening to you my dearest friend, but I
       do know how you must hate to be the cause of anyone's distress,
       but it is what it it is. Just concentrate on what is ahead of
       you, you will need all your strength and faith to get you
       through the next little while. I will pray for you and send my
       love to you. Remember we are here for you [emoji172]
       #Post#: 46222--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Moira Date: June 20, 2024, 4:34 am
       NO I have seen nothing from Pam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I saw
       this new message from Linda on our FB page so I read it first !
       I feel as if my prayers are in vain !!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO have to
       agree with Darien and she says it better than me
       I cannot believe what I am reading Linda and HOW can you
       possible manage to correspond with us on here so well ...... and
       carry on as you do....! I cannot understand or believe this :(
       Sorry xxx
       #Post#: 46234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: DarienJ Date: June 20, 2024, 4:34 pm
       Between the two of you, I am certain you are both determined to
       cause me distress!!!! I was worried about you Moira and even
       sent a text to see if you were alright as you hadn't been on
       here of FB for a bit and not answering Pam's messages. I even
       had a dream about the both of you last night, I was writing to
       you both and no one was answering me and I was getting anxious.
       It's amazing how dreams can react to ones daily life and display
       it all in such a simple way. I will settle back down and get on
       with life now as you have both been reprimanded
       #Post#: 46245--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Linda Date: June 20, 2024, 5:37 pm
       I can hardly see.   The left side of my face including my ye is
       drooping and I can't wear my contact.  I had my first radiation
       treatment this afternoon.  Pam is overwhelmed, sorry she didn't
       tell you Moira but glad she got through to Darien.  I never
       dreamed I would get this bad.
       I'm so worn out, I can do nothing at all.  I won't be on here in
       the coming days unless by some miracle I improve.  You can
       contact Pam and see about me.  I lay and think of your girls and
       know your love and prayers are with me.
       Bye for now..............
       #Post#: 46246--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Moira Date: June 20, 2024, 5:53 pm
       I have no idea what you are talking about Darien...  I Have just
       looked on my phone and I see your txt ! SO sorry but this new
       phone is rubbish and I cannot work it well ! I just use it to
       ring Dan etc !!!!!!!!!!! I Have been on here as normal .... in
       my evening time. I rarely come on during the day .... ..LIKE I
       have done today  because I was worried about Linda ! Never heard
       anything from Pam either !!!!!!!!!!!
       JUst received this email from Maureen in Perth ! :( Bloody old
       age ............................. !
       Hi Moira,
       I came home from hospital last night.
       I had to ring for an ambulance Friday night,
       Could not breathe turns out I have fluid round the heart
       problems aplenty.
       Followed by an increase in meds. Really looked after in the
       hospital. Heart not working properly.
       Daniel flew out Tuesday......he s wrecking my home
       Moira.......it's a living nightmare.
       I am too ill for what's going on around here Moira.
       I am tired right now so will try to write later in the week.
       Love you you take care Maureen xxxxx
       #Post#: 46247--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Moira Date: June 20, 2024, 6:38 pm
       Rest Linda and miracles DO happen :)))))))))))))))))))
       #Post#: 46256--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: DarienJ Date: June 21, 2024, 4:36 pm
       Moira was included in the message Pam sent via Messenger, so Pam
       told the both of us at the same time and I don't know why Moira
       didn't get it. perhaps it was sent to your old FB messenger
       Rest as much as you need dear
       and I think you will need to over the next few weeks, we will
       still be here when you feel up to coming on here. It would be
       lovely if Pam could just give us a quick update every now and
       My neighbour Peter caught me coming home yesterday and told me
       Shannon, his wife, has just been diagnosed with Pancreatic
       Cancer [emoji20]
       #Post#: 46265--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Linda Date: June 21, 2024, 6:33 pm
       Oh dear, pancreatic cancer is so serious.  Is Shannon fairly
       Do they have kids?
       #Post#: 46276--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Home From Hospital
       By: Moira Date: June 22, 2024, 3:34 am
       Sadly that is what Ange ended up with .. Stomach and Pancretic
       cancer and Pheochromocytomas (Adrenal gland)
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