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       4th "The King'
       s Own" Regiment of Foot
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 (DIR) Return to: Post Scriptum: Enlistment Applications
       #Post#: 6580--------------------------------------------------
       Application: Alexander Williams - ACCEPTED
       By: Rarzakan Date: November 13, 2018, 8:07 pm
       [b]Historical Name:[/Alexander Williams]
       [b]Is this name available? (Check the Rosters)
       [b]Link to Steam
 (HTM) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144137839/]<br
       [b]Do you own a copy of Post Scriptum?:[/yes]
       [b]What Country do you live in?:[/Canada]
       [b]Are you part of another unit in Post Scriptum?:[/no]
       [b]Have you read the post about event times?:[/yes]
       [b]What units or gaming communities have you been part
       [b]Have you read and understood your responsibilities as a
       community member?:[/1. Attending Events.
       2. Staying in touch with their section.
       3. Using the attendance system.
       4. Maintaining a high level of skill and self control.
       5. Representing the unit in a positive light.]
       [b]Have you read and understood the rules?:[/yes]
       [b]Optional: How did you find out about us?:[/from a friend]
       [b]Optional: If one of our members recruited you, what was their
       name?:[/Henry knight]
       #Post#: 6581--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Application: Alexander Williams - NEEDS INDUCTION
       By: Robthebob Date: November 13, 2018, 8:26 pm
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/L5bIUNL.png[/center]
       [center][font=times new roman]A Recruiter will contact you on
       steam in order to fully induct you into the Regiment.
       You are welcome to join the Teamspeak in this time, feel free to
       join any of the ongoing community games.
       If you need help with Teamspeak Installation and Setup your
       Recruiter will be able to help you.
       Our Teamspeak Address is: forlornhope.ddns.net