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 (DIR) Return to: Post Scriptum: Enlistment Applications
       #Post#: 6706--------------------------------------------------
       By: FYSMethod Date: March 14, 2019, 2:38 pm
       [b]Nickname: FYSMethod
       [b]Historical Name:Method
       [b]Is this name available? (Check the Rosters):Um...yes?
       [b]Link to Steam Profile:
 (HTM) http://s.tea
       [b]Do you own a copy of Post Scriptum?:Yes
       [b]Do you have a functioning microphone?:Yes
       [b]What Country do you live in?:The USA
       [b]Are you part of another unit in Post Scriptum?:No
       [b]Have you read the post about event times?:Yes
       [b]What units or gaming communities have you been part of?:I
       have my own discord.
       [b]Have you read and understood your responsibilities as a
       community member?:Yes
       [b]Have you read and understood the rules?:Yes
       [b]Optional: How did you find out about us?: Knight
       [b]Optional: If one of our members recruited you, what was their
       name?: Knight