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       #Post#: 538--------------------------------------------------
       TripleA alliance thread
       By: alex Date: August 21, 2018, 10:32 am
       #Post#: 539--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: depo Date: August 21, 2018, 10:57 am
       Hi Alex,
       SudAmericana here! Thanks for accepting me in  ;D
       #Post#: 540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: alex Date: August 21, 2018, 11:51 am
       Starlight has actually been speculating about the possibility of
       allying with you since the feature was released. You have a
       great network that really complements ours.
       #Post#: 541--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: AlpineUngulate Date: August 21, 2018, 12:08 pm
       Starlight here.
       I thought I'd write some general principles of organization for
       the alliance:
       1. Connect to each others' hubs.
       We want synergy from connecting routes within the alliance. That
       means if you're building routes from one of your hubs into a new
       region, see if there are alliance hubs in the area and head
       towards those. You're likely to get some spillover demand from
       the ally, and they from you.
       For some examples where this is particularly relevant: the
       southern and southwestern US have many cities with high income
       and moderate population. It would take too many routes and bases
       to give them all directs everywhere. So we operate on a
       hub-and-spokes model with a focus on Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and
       Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL). It would've been a valid choice to use
       different bases, like Phoenix, Charlotte, or Miami, but we
       happen not to be structured that way, and at this point we've
       invested dozens of routes and billions of dollars in our
       So if you're connecting from your home country to the southern
       US, you might find more demand for continuing passengers if you
       go through those airports first. For another example, there are
       plenty of good airports in southern Japan with direct demand,
       but the most likely place to get connecting passengers is Kansai
       International (KIX) because we have invested the most in that.
       2. Don't direct-compete with each others' routes.
       While you want to connect your hub to other allies' hubs, you
       should check to make sure it isn't already done. We don't ever
       need to spend more than one route on a particular route. It's a
       big world out there with lots of better opportunities for
       expansion. Piling too many people into the same route grinds
       down profit margin.
       3. Expand in relatively-contiguous blocs.
       It's easier for allies to work with you and build a strategy
       around you if your strategy is obvious. Don't build a new,
       far-flung base in a country you don't have a good shot at
       earning a reputation bonus in. Leave those to allies and just
       build flights out to them. Instead focus on your areas of
       advantage and build a cohesive network that's attractive for
       other allies to build links to.
       4. Some countries have room for more than one of us.
       While direct competition isn't fun, there are some countries
       valuable enough to have more than one ally in. Definitely
       discuss it here and coordinate, but don't shy entirely away from
       the large markets where even a 4th or 5th place trophy is
       I'm writing this especially with respect to the US, which is
       just so huge and so fragmented that it's very difficult for me
       to cover it all, even though I have more North American volume
       than anyone in the game. Remember that if you HQ over one of my
       bases, you'll still be able to join the alliance.
       But even a not-quite-as-big market--like Italy--can yield us
       benefits by having two alliance members earn reputation from it.
       5. Expand to new territories.
       There's a lot we haven't covered yet, and those areas are the
       ones where a new ally could probably do the most good. Here I'm
       especially thinking of Mexico, central/eastern Europe, the
       Middle East, Africa, and Russia, but also really any country
       that seems under-covered.
       6. Talk it out here.
       Talk through expansion plans here. Sometimes people have bases
       they're not particularly attached to and are willing to turn
       over the territory to someone else. Other times there's a place
       they really want to go to. Just let people know your plans and
       it'll keep our alliance organized. If it seems like an airline
       has been away for a long time, and someone really wants one of
       their bases, we'll try to address that. But it's early in the
       alliance feature and I don't see us having a problem with that
       any time soon.
       #Post#: 542--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: AlpineUngulate Date: August 21, 2018, 12:10 pm
       And SudAmericana: if you want Rome let me know. I think the two
       reasonable things to do in Italy are either (a) I hold 3rd and
       you hold 2nd, as we have it now, or (b) I leave Rome, you build
       a base there, and you push for 1st.
       #Post#: 544--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: alex Date: August 21, 2018, 12:28 pm
       TBH I think 1st Italy is easily within reach for SudAmerica
       without a fourth Italian base.
       A minor addition to Starlight's point about the US: LAX is a
       fantastic choice of HQ if you are going that route. There are
       tons and tons of direct flights from it that Starlight doesn't
       cover, and there is a tremendous and constantly increasing
       amount of alliance passenger volume through there. I just added
       SYD LAX and will be beefing up that, HND (Tokyo) LAX, and TPE
       (Taipei) LAX substantially. Expect to get around 30k connecting
       passenger volume from my flights alone.
       As for expansion plans: a quick glance at my Rival page or the
       alliance map should make my strategy obvious. I'm a simple
       regional airline (my region is Asia). I'm testing the waters in
       Australia and depending on how well that expansion goes will aim
       for 2nd or maybe 1st (marking the third prestige market I'll
       have taken from Air Canada :D). I'm thinking of a third
       Australia base in Melbourne, Canberra, or Brisbane (on top of
       Sydney and Perth).
       I'm also about to set up a Hong Kong base since Starlight left
       it but I'm not married to that.
       Outside of that I really don't have much in the way of expansion
       plans and am mostly just defending / optimizing my current
       territory and filling out international routes.
       A word of warning: India is a trap. Don't go there. It's worth
       almost nothing by way of points and you'll never run a profit
       there unless your airline is completely dedicated to operating
       in very poor countries (low service funding, no planes larger
       than an A318, etc.).
       edit: oh, and there's actually room in Japan for another
       airline. It may be a little tough to get to 2nd, but I think you
       could make a reasonable profit off of Osaka (ITM) and Tokyo
       (NRT). Fukuoka (FUK) is another possibility although Auburn is
       using it heavily.
       #Post#: 545--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: alex Date: August 21, 2018, 2:19 pm
       Uvita I just noticed we're competing on HND SHA. Let me know
       when you're ready to drop a few thousand more passengers on it
       and I'll cancel the route.
       #Post#: 546--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: losgatitospeligrosos Date: August 21, 2018, 6:22 pm
       LGP runs Mexico. Advising your alliance to focus there only
       courts failure.
       #Post#: 548--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: AlpineUngulate Date: August 22, 2018, 12:20 am
       Or you could join us.
       Don't you want that rep bonus and the extra flight capacity?
       #Post#: 549--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TripleA alliance thread
       By: patson Date: August 22, 2018, 1:35 am
       [quote author=AlpineUngulate link=topic=145.msg548#msg548
       Don't you want that rep bonus and the extra flight capacity?
       Yes! So we Unisky are going to topple u guys just like 2 days
       ago...watch out  ;D
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