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       #Post#: 2092--------------------------------------------------
       Ty cheats on Natalie 
       By: Natalie Harrington Date: June 29, 2019, 1:09 am
       Ty does something really awful and unexpected in episode 4 he
       cheats on Natalie with Lydia McQueen. Natalie doesn’t even know
       her. When Natalie finds out that Ty cheated on her, she doesn’t
       take it well. She’s hurt and heartbroken. She finds comfort in
       Jake Henley. I want to see Jake and Natalie together they have
       chemistry and she needs somebody more mature and I think Jake
       has those qualities. Richard Madden will be playing Jake Henley.
       Natalie and Jake will be getting married. Also her unborn baby
       isn’t Ty’s. It’s actually Jake’s.
       #Post#: 2093--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ty cheats on Natalie 
       By: Jake Henley Date: June 29, 2019, 1:13 am
       I’m so shocked about this. I wasn’t expecting Ty to hurt the
       woman he claims to love. I want to see Jake and Natalie as a
       couple. I want Natalie to be happy
       #Post#: 2112--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ty cheats on Natalie 
       By: William Ty Harrington Date: June 29, 2019, 1:40 am
       I’m angry that Ty would do this to Natalie. I thought he loved
       her, I am not happy about this
       #Post#: 2120--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ty cheats on Natalie 
       By: Jake Henley Date: July 8, 2019, 1:42 pm
       Ty is a jerk now. I don’t like how he treated Natalie
       #Post#: 2121--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ty cheats on Natalie 
       By: Alex Madden Date: July 8, 2019, 1:46 pm
       I can’t believe Ty would do this to Natalie. Natalie doesn’t
       deserve to be cheated on