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       #Post#: 979--------------------------------------------------
       May Coffin Donation 2019
       By: Valen Date: May 8, 2019, 9:50 am
       -Transfer $5.20/pax to POSB 072-27821-6
       -Whatsapp +65 96453742 your full name and receipt of transfer.
       -Will photo you the yellow receipt before burn at temple.
       Normal Cut off date 21st of every month
       Please whatsapp me after 21st to check if donation still on as
       sometimes the fund
       never transfer to temple yet.
       #Post#: 983--------------------------------------------------
       Re: May Coffin Donation 2019
       By: Valen Date: May 10, 2019, 9:09 am
       Donation List
       1 Valen $5.20
       2 Fazhu $5.20
       3 Florence Lim $5.20
       4 LSJ $10.40
       5 LSF & Family $10.40
       6 Haip Beng Keow $5.20
       7 Cassandra Ong Hwee Oon $5.20
       8 Albert Teo Kok Siong $5.20
       9 Jayden Teo Zhi Sheng $5.20
       10 Rainie Teo Rue Teng $5.20
       11 Amanda Sim $5.20
       12 Lee WeiSheng $52.00
       13 Zjared $5.20
       14 Quek Kok Pheng $5.20
       15 Tan Ah Boi $5.20
       16 Quek Chay Huang $5.20
       17 Foo Chik Poh $5.20
       18 Goh Chwee Gim $5.20
       19 Chua Soon Huat $5.20
       20 Toh Yin Leng $5.20
       21 Goh Bee Bee $5.20
       22 Chua Chye Lin $5.20
       23 Quek Chay Wat & Family $52.00
       24 9s Salon $52.00
       25 Quek Chay Luang $52.00
       26 Chiam Chee Meng $52.00
       27 Lau Siew Ching $52.00
       28 Lau Siew Yang $52.00
       29 Lau Siew Peng $52.00
       30 Lim Poh Kwan $52.00
       31 Eng Ee Soon $5.20
       #Post#: 998--------------------------------------------------
       Re: May Coffin Donation 2019
       By: Valen Date: May 21, 2019, 9:52 am
       Updated on 24/05/2019
       #Post#: 1021--------------------------------------------------
       Re: May Coffin Donation 2019
       By: Valen Date: May 26, 2019, 9:05 am
       Donation closed.
       #Post#: 1046--------------------------------------------------
       Re: May Coffin Donation 2019
       By: Valen Date: June 6, 2019, 11:05 am
       Slips sent to donors.
       My sincere apologies for some spelling mistake on names and