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       #Post#: 2143--------------------------------------------------
       Katha(s) for wearing thai amulets 
       By: Kiwi84 Date: February 24, 2023, 6:10 am
       Just asking - anyone know sort of like a general katha(s) to
       recite before and after wearing the thai amulets? Is there like
       some katha(s) to enhance or awake the amulets before wearing it?
       #Post#: 2145--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Katha(s) for wearing thai amulets 
       By: LycheeTea Date: February 24, 2023, 10:16 am
       Generally, most of the mainstream amulets can use:
       namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa (x3)
       #Post#: 2154--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Katha(s) for wearing thai amulets 
       By: ESPTSGCO Date: February 25, 2023, 10:16 am
       General mainstream.
       Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammma Sambuddhassa x 03
       Then : Kata for Chanting to Amulets (Kata Aaratanaa Pra Krueang)
       Puttang Aaraatanaanang, Tammang Aaraatanaanang, Sangkang
       Puttang Prasittimae, Tammang Prasittimae, Sangkang Prasittimae.
       Chant this Kata 3 times whenever you are about to wear or take
       The Kata calls upon the power of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha
       to be with you and protect and Guide you.