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       #Post#: 2530--------------------------------------------------
       Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 8, 2024, 8:37 am
       Dragon Year Merit-Making: Sponsor Phayanak (Lord Naga) @ Wat
       Tham Nam Yoi
       Dear all brothers and sisters, Luang Phor Phonchai from Wat Tham
       Nam Yoi is building 2 Phayanak Statues. The 2 statues wire frame
       or metal skeleton of the Phayanaks are in place already.
       Nagas can be both benevolent and evil, just like us humans.
       There are good Dhamma Protector Nagas who help bring rain on
       time and in the right amounts, as well as guard monks or
       practitioners in the wilderness, or grant wishes and riches to
       good people, and there are unrestrained Nagas who cause havoc
       using their psychic power.
       It is auspicious and meritorious to contribute to the building
       of the Phayanaks, the Guardian Dhamma Protectors for a temple.
       I would like to appeal if anyone is interested to join in this
       goodness. Any amount is appreciated.
       You may transfer to my POSB saving account 153215421 or PayLah!
       Me @98554786.
       After transfer send me screenshot of the amount and your name.
       Closing date 28 Feb 24.
       Anumodana sadhu to all brothers and sisters in advance and have
       a great Dragon Year with the protection of all the Phaya Nagas
       #Post#: 2532--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 9, 2024, 11:37 pm
       1.Raymond Wong & Family $10
       2. yip jun ren dickson $10
       3. Cheryl Lim Huay yueh $200
       Phommalinh & family
       Tan (已故) ,Andrew Low Gim Wee
       (已故) , Rose Wong Sooi Yong
       黃瑞容 (已故)
       ,陳琴鍾 (已故), Sutthilux
       Great Heavenly Kings ,Thao Wessuwan (King
       Khoo Yee Joo 许铱洳
       (已故),Loh Lee Bar (IMO) ,YC
       Lindah,Satish Kumar
       Boon Swee
       Abby Choi(已故),Rajan
       Thananjan , Amidkhan Kalimulla KHAN (IMO) ,
       卓亞琴(已故), Vivien
       Wong Soi Heong (IMO),Mary Wong Swee Chin $100
       5.James Tioh $10
       6.Ong Zi Tian Jetaime $20
       7.Erwin Huang 黄治渊 and family $50
       9.荘志成合家 $10
       10. ScTan & Family $10
       11.Lim Jun Hong $10
       12.Goh Hiong Peng $33
       13.Yong Ka Wei $100
       14.Florence Goh $10
       15.Shaundre Neo $10
       16. Nathaniel $10
       17. Soh Nguang Chiu $10
       18. Toh Soo Lan $10
       19. Rowena Su $10
       20. Zhu Wenjie $10
       21. Ethan ZHu $10
       22. 已故黄亚桂 $10
       23.何野云圣祖 $45
       24.Kruba Arjahn $45
       25.All dharma protectors & sentient beings $35
       #Post#: 2533--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: brightlight Date: February 12, 2024, 9:53 am
       Hi bro Kimleng, I am back. Thank you for the golden opportunity
       to do dana relating to Naga. :)
       #Post#: 2536--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 12, 2024, 10:54 am
       Hi bro welcome back and thanks for contributing.
       #Post#: 2547--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 19, 2024, 8:23 am
       This is Luang Phor Phonchai.
       Luang Phor is a low-profile non-commercial monk. Because of he
       cannot cut his beard, he has tried to stay hidden for most of
       his monastic life, residing in a undeveloped place in Sisaket
       not far from the Cambodian border.
       Only last December he got a bit famous because some reporters
       kept writing articles about his beard and kept following him
       wherever he went, which gave him quite a lot of stress because
       he is an elderly monk who only wanted to keep to himself and
       live quietly.
       As for amulets, he doesn’t produce or pluksek many batches,
       usually only to help LP Ya Than Khiao or when luksits manage to
       persuade him to.
       His temple is also quite remote.It's very near the Cambodian
       border at Sisaket province
       #Post#: 2551--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 22, 2024, 9:06 am
       Construction of Phayanak Statue in progress.
       #Post#: 2565--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: February 29, 2024, 8:14 am
       donation closed.
       #Post#: 2581--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: April 3, 2024, 8:27 pm
       Hi all
       Attached the progress of the construction of the Phayanak
       Statues. Sadhu sadhu sadhu
       #Post#: 2582--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Valen Date: April 5, 2024, 4:03 am
       Select inline expandable thumbnail when attached photos
       #Post#: 2604--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Construction of Phayanak Statues at Wat Tham Nam Yoi
       By: Kimleng777 Date: June 5, 2024, 7:44 am
       Anumodana to all bros and sis who have contributed to the
       construction of Phayanak Statue.
       The majestic 9-headed Phayanak has been sculpted. The eyes
       comprise the special Naga Balls that brothers and sisters have
       generously sponsored in the past.