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       #Post#: 66546--------------------------------------------------
       Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: oogyda Date: May 16, 2021, 2:04 pm
       Yesterday's facebook post:
       Are you really vaccinated if you're not posting about it?!
       This time it was to be able to post about her stepdaughter
       getting her first dose.
       #Post#: 66549--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Tea Drinker Date: May 16, 2021, 4:37 pm
       I did post about being vaccinated to Facebook (which I only look
       at every few months), because it might reach someone who would
       want to know, but that's different from thinking everyone
       I know people who might not post about being vaccinated because
       they don't want to get into pointless arguments about whether
       they should have done it. (Whatever your opinion about either
       vaccination or Facebook, "you shouldn't have done that thing" is
       rarely useful advice.)
       #Post#: 66550--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Jem Date: May 16, 2021, 4:47 pm
       [quote author=oogyda link=topic=2057.msg66546#msg66546
       Yesterday's facebook post:
       Are you really vaccinated if you're not posting about it?!
       This time it was to be able to post about her stepdaughter
       getting her first dose.
       I see this style of post all the time for various topics; always
       tongue in cheek.
       "Did you really hit a back-squat PR if you didn't post video?
       ;D" (along with posting said video)
       "I VOTED!!!!! It only counts if you post about it!  ;)"
       "I know some of you haterz wouldn't believe me if I didn't post
       a photo of my spectacular Thanksgiving meal!  :)"
       I've never taken it as a negative thing, just a stylistic thing.
       Not everyone has the same interests or sense of humor.
       #Post#: 66556--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: LifeOnPluto Date: May 17, 2021, 7:23 am
       [quote author=Jem link=topic=2057.msg66550#msg66550
       [quote author=oogyda link=topic=2057.msg66546#msg66546
       Yesterday's facebook post:
       Are you really vaccinated if you're not posting about it?!
       This time it was to be able to post about her stepdaughter
       getting her first dose.
       I see this style of post all the time for various topics; always
       tongue in cheek.
       "Did you really hit a back-squat PR if you didn't post video?
       ;D" (along with posting said video)
       "I VOTED!!!!! It only counts if you post about it!  ;)"
       "I know some of you haterz wouldn't believe me if I didn't post
       a photo of my spectacular Thanksgiving meal!  :)"
       I've never taken it as a negative thing, just a stylistic thing.
       Not everyone has the same interests or sense of humor.
       Yes, I read this in a sort of jokey tone. Eg "If a tree falls in
       the forest, does anyone hear it" etc.
       #Post#: 66561--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Wanaca Date: May 17, 2021, 9:55 am
       I guess I could see the joking style of it, but it really would
       rub me the wrong way.  Not everyone wants to advertise
       everything about their life.  If I want to share my medical
       stuff, I will.  If I don't, I won't.  I don't like being baited
       into sharing something.  This is one of the many reasons why I'm
       not interested in Facebook.
       #Post#: 66562--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: NFPwife Date: May 17, 2021, 10:32 am
       That's a stylistic, tongue-in-cheek format. It's takes a gentle
       swipe about everyone posting about (thing) and says "And I'm
       doing it too!" It's meant to be light hearted and a little
       #Post#: 66564--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Jem Date: May 17, 2021, 10:55 am
       [quote author=Wanaca link=topic=2057.msg66561#msg66561
       I guess I could see the joking style of it, but it really would
       rub me the wrong way.  Not everyone wants to advertise
       everything about their life.  If I want to share my medical
       stuff, I will.  If I don't, I won't.  I don't like being baited
       into sharing something.  This is one of the many reasons why I'm
       not interested in Facebook.
       I really doubt the niece was trying to bait anyone into sharing
       anything. I think she was using a popular turn of phrase because
       SHE wanted to share something.
       I do completely understand that some people are more private
       than others. I don't think either group (or anything in between)
       should be judgy toward the other or try to change the way people
       use social media. I think if a person posts things that annoy or
       offend, that person can be defriended, muted, or blocked. I
       don't think every post requires a comment or is directed
       specifically for each individual person on a friends list.
       #Post#: 66565--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Meg1079 Date: May 17, 2021, 11:29 am
       [quote author=Wanaca link=topic=2057.msg66561#msg66561
       I guess I could see the joking style of it, but it really would
       rub me the wrong way.  Not everyone wants to advertise
       everything about their life.  If I want to share my medical
       stuff, I will.  If I don't, I won't.  I don't like being baited
       into sharing something.  This is one of the many reasons why I'm
       not interested in Facebook.
       Eh, I did a quick post when I got my Covid vaccine, and it
       wasn't to bait anyone into sharing their medical information. I
       shared it because I know that some people out there were on the
       fence about having it done and it was my way of saying that I
       had it done and it was no big deal. I know plenty of people who
       have been vaccinated and haven't posted about it and I would
       never, ever guilt or shame them into doing so.
       #Post#: 66566--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Rose Red Date: May 17, 2021, 12:47 pm
       I guess it can be serious or tongue-in-cheek depending on the
       person. The OP seems bothered by several entries that her niece
       I think the OP should just unfriend niece if her views annoy
       #Post#: 66572--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Oh, my.  Niece is at it again!
       By: Hanna Date: May 17, 2021, 2:22 pm
       I think it is meant as a joke.  But on top of the mother's day
       ban she issued, it's hard to be sure.
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