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       #Post#: 22--------------------------------------------------
       Rules for BKFHC
       By: godbear07 Date: August 5, 2013, 4:00 am
       Rules set by Admin and Moderators are to be followed at all
       times on the forum, all reports are taken seriously.
       This forum is monitored by a group of admin and moderators ALL
       the time.
       There is to be NO
       *foul language
       *bad mouthing other forums/ internet sites
       please do not ask to be admin or moderators, we have a very
       capable team of admins, but we may ask veteran members to become
       a global moderator
       keep this forum a friendly environment, its more enjoyable that
       Don't post inappropriate pictures
       Links to other websites are only ok if they are family friendly
       More rules will be added soon once all the admin have discussed
       on a side note one of our admin is a joker/ prankster if you
       find the little jokes pm benjamin  ;) secret badges awarded