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       #Post#: 1355--------------------------------------------------
       Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: Super_Hussain Date: October 21, 2012, 1:39 am
       As you guys know, I am working on a forum on a different forum
       software. Before actually putting it on a domain and a host, I
       decided to finish up everything on localhost and get it all
       setup so I can easily just drag and drop everything. So I have
       been working on it and I got most of the forum setup done and I
       added the categories, forums, and stuff like that. It is really
       nice and I really want you guys to see it so I just took a
       screeny and decided to share it with you guys. There are a lot
       of user options and a lot more admin options to have complete
       control over the forum. It is really amazing what you could do
       with it and it has so many options. Also there are add-ons which
       I haven't even installed yet!!
 (HTM) http://i.snag.gy/4nneX.jpg
       So now that you can see how it looks like, here is how the forum
       feels like.
 (HTM) http://www.xenfocus.com/skins/infinite/
       Click the image and it will take you to the live demo of the
       theme I am using.
       So now that you guys have a fair idea of how the forum will look
       and feel like, do you guys have any other suggestions with the
       forum? Maybe add a homepage with the installation instructions,
       an online games section, or anything else like that? Please give
       me some sort of feedback so I can make this the best experience
       for everyone.
       #Post#: 1356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: BlackR41n Date: October 21, 2012, 8:25 am
       WOW! :o
       That's awesome!! :)
       Hope we can use it very soon :)
       #Post#: 1358--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: Super_Hussain Date: October 21, 2012, 10:30 am
       Thanks!! I hope so too. I love it and I want everyone else to
       like it too. I guess I will experiment with it some more and
       then add the important threads and stuff to it so I can get it
       ready for transfer and get it on the domain so that we can use
       this new site!!
       Hey BlackR41n, can you send me the info for configuring this
       forum? Like I want the ftp details and stuff so I can just make
       a flash thing to make it say to go to the new site. And the
       flash thing will be good xD
       #Post#: 1359--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: e1sunz Date: October 21, 2012, 4:10 pm
       Freaking awesome! Love it can't really critique or anything this
       looks lovely :) If you are still thinking of colour schemes
       maybe have a look at this forum:
 (HTM) http://forum.metroidconstruction.com/index.php
       Meh just sayin but this is better  ^^
       #Post#: 1360--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: Super_Hussain Date: October 21, 2012, 9:36 pm
       You do know that the bars that are red are customizable to users
       right? There is a color palette for users and they can change
       that to what ever they want xD
       #Post#: 1361--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: Aaron Date: October 22, 2012, 1:17 am
       sounds like a plan:) hope it gets up soon:D looks great
       #Post#: 1365--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bl4ck0ut Project's New Project
       By: Super_Hussain Date: October 22, 2012, 7:24 am
       Thanks. I hope so too. I got so scared because I tried to do
       something and then it got messed up. I guess I won't do that
       again xD
       Still need a domain :/