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       #Post#: 1670--------------------------------------------------
       [Lanzamiento] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: BlackR41n Date: November 3, 2012, 7:02 am
       [center]Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1[/center]
       - Arreglada la multitarea (iPhone 3G)
       - Mejoras en la velocidad
       - Safari ads blocker (para bloquear la publicidad)
       - Nuevos wallpapers de Bl4ck0ut
       - WI-FI signal and speed booster[/center]
       Gracias RevivalDev por su ayuda!
       Version final realizada: rpeo.bl4ck0ut.com ACTUALIZAR VIA CYDIA
       Greetz BlackR41n
       #Post#: 1671--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: bacKstabbR Date: November 3, 2012, 7:15 am
       what kind of speed improvements?  :o
       [EDIT:whats the repo again?  :P ]
       #Post#: 1675--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: tyrell123 Date: November 3, 2012, 8:26 pm
       what is the repo?:)
       #Post#: 1678--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Dante9744 Date: November 3, 2012, 11:18 pm
 (HTM) http://bl4ck0ut.bplaced.net
       Well.. At least that was their repo. I don't see the correct deb
       up on there right now but maybe it will be later..
       #Post#: 1679--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: BlackR41n Date: November 4, 2012, 6:30 am
       There is a problem with the DEB -.-
       Installing, your device stuck on apple logo ..
       I have to fix the DEB first, sorry guys!
       #Post#: 1681--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 4, 2012, 7:46 am
       Try changing the OpenGLES framework back to OpenGLES 1 and maybe
       that should fix it. That was a problem for me when editing the
       Springboard file to OpenGLES 1 Compatibility.
       #Post#: 1683--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: BlackR41n Date: November 4, 2012, 9:39 am
       yeah, I edited the Springboard, maybe there's a checksum check
       in boot ?
       I'll try this ;)
       #Post#: 1689--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 5, 2012, 7:59 am
       maybe its the permissions ?
       #Post#: 1690--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 5, 2012, 8:46 am
       But if you do it manually like I did, the same thing happens. I
       did not edit the permissions for the Springboard file but still
       it gets stuck on the Apple logo. I think it is because of any
       OpenGLES 2 traces in your iDevice, you would probably have to
       edit all the OpenGLES 2 to OpenGLES 1 throughout the entire
       #Post#: 1691--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 5, 2012, 9:31 am
       im sure there is no problem with opengles 2 im running it since
       i got my first ipod touch 5 years ago, and its running it today,
       the first package i made was opengles 2 for ipod 2g and it never
       got stuck on apple
       logo :o
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