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       #Post#: 1799--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 9, 2012, 7:32 am
       you welcome :),  for more speed, i posted 3 different vm mods on
       my repo, 64mb,256mb,512mb, i tested each ones 2 days. with the
       64 im constantly crashing,slowing and safe mode, with 256 its
       okay, but multitask too much it will create another 256 and
       slow, but with the 512, it never create another swap! its
       stable, i never experienced crash anymore, and my device is
       really faster and i can multitask with no slowdown :) with a
       fresh boot my settings app was loading in 3-4 second, now its
       ready in 2 seconds :o same for other apps it takes less time to
       #Post#: 1800--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 9, 2012, 7:43 am
       DAMN great stuff! I will try this all when I get home. For some
       reason your repo shows nothing for me. I will try refreshing
       again though when I get home though.
       #Post#: 1802--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 9, 2012, 7:57 am
       its down :s the new is pretty much the same,
       im sure you will get errors when you install a package (no
       package installed cannot configure) i dont know how to fix this
       because they have no errors with ifile :( but if blackr41n put
       them on blackout bplaced repo MAYBE this will fix it..
       #Post#: 1803--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 9, 2012, 9:30 am
       #Post#: 1805--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 9, 2012, 9:33 am
       i have a bplaced but dont know how to upload on it and how to
       make it usable with cydia :( so i can't test :s
       #Post#: 1807--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 9, 2012, 9:34 am
       Google is our friend xD
       #Post#: 1808--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 9, 2012, 9:37 am
       is there a simpler way than setting ubuntu and host etc etc :s
       #Post#: 1809--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 9, 2012, 10:32 am
       Umm... Why would you need Ubuntu? Couldn't you do it on Windows?
       It's all web based isn't it?
       #Post#: 1810--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: revival Date: November 9, 2012, 10:45 am
       the only tutorial i found is with ubuntu
       #Post#: 1811--------------------------------------------------
       Re: [Release] Bl4ck0ut 6.0.1
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 9, 2012, 10:52 am
       Ask someone who has a repo. I am pretty sure you don't need
       Ubuntu to have a bplaced repo...
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