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       #Post#: 2141--------------------------------------------------
       More devices?
       By: revival Date: November 18, 2012, 8:00 pm
       Is there people here with any other devices than iphone 3G and
       ipod 2G?that would like to enjoy the bl4ck0ut speed ? I could
       port my optimization script to every devices.. Please post here
       what you think and if you would like to see bl4ck0ut/Revival to
       every devices ? :)
       #Post#: 2149--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 19, 2012, 7:50 am
       I think we should port this to like all devices losing Apple
       support because we can target a huge market. I know a lot of
       people with iPhone 3GS's and iPhone 4's that will soon be
       unsupported by Apple. I suggest just staying about 2 Generations
       behind Apple and gaining support for those devices (from iPod 2G
       - iPod 4G, from iPad 1 - iPad 2, from iPhone 3G - iPhone 4) but
       losing support for first generation devices because I don't
       think we can compete with Whited00r in that area. They have an
       amazing firmware and if we do it for iOS 3, they will think we
       stole their idea or something.
       #Post#: 2152--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: revival Date: November 19, 2012, 7:56 am
       I will port my speed boost to ipod 3, and 4g, iphone 3GS and 4G
       when its outdated :/ ios 6 ram management is the whorst i have
       seen :o
       #Post#: 2165--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: Reloader Date: November 19, 2012, 11:30 am
       I think we should make something for iOS 3 users, a .deb file or
       so ,like making the Status Bar black when you open some random
       app instead of grey color, new icons, iOS 4 dock, some speed,
       #Post#: 2166--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: revival Date: November 19, 2012, 12:18 pm
       we cannot reach whited00r for speed, but do it if you want :p im
       gonna focus on 4.2.1 and up
       edit: after some work i think ill reach whited00r speed on 3.1.3
       #Post#: 2173--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: Aaron Date: November 19, 2012, 3:13 pm
       hey revivale dev can you give me some help/lessons how to do
       stuff to idevices and make my own tweeks and stuff? ill add you
       2 msn. when i get home from school. what country you from
       #Post#: 2174--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: Super_Hussain Date: November 19, 2012, 3:27 pm
       Yeah I also wouldn't mind learning more ;)
       You guys got Skype? I use that like all the time xP
       #Post#: 2193--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: Aaron Date: November 20, 2012, 12:18 am
       haha i know you do i am always on just set as offline:) and yeah
       skype would be better
       #Post#: 2239--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: BlackR41n Date: November 21, 2012, 5:21 am
       I think we should support other Devices, but only when they'll
       lose support by Apple ;)
       #Post#: 2240--------------------------------------------------
       Re: More devices?
       By: revival Date: November 21, 2012, 6:44 am
       i gained support for ios 3.1.3 with my new firmware "ap0calypse"
       in deb file so its ipod 1g 2g iphone 2g 3g and 3gs if
       downgraded, and we should gain support for ipod 3g its lost on
       5.1.1, and if we release before redd00r they cant call us
       copycat :)
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