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       #Post#: 64--------------------------------------------------
       How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualMemor
       By: Duck4Cover Date: July 28, 2012, 12:18 pm
       [center]Use at your own risk![/center]
       [center]What does Dynamic_Pager do?[/center]
       - Dynamic_Pager gives your device the ability to use Flash
       Memory as Random Access Memory (RAM, to an extent).
       [center]Are there any side effects to this?[/center]
       - Its a fact that Flash Memory has a limited number of
       read/write cycles. The difference between Flash Memory and RAM
       is that Flash Memory has a lot less cycles available. Since RAM
       is written to a lot more frequently than Flash, and your Flash
       is being used as RAM, then using Virtual Memory will in theory
       reduce the life of your device.
       - Virtual Memory was introduced to iOS a little more than a year
       ago, yet there hasn't been a single case of a device actually
       not working anymore due to using it. People usually say "VM
       broke my device, I had to restore to fix it", fact is if it
       really did kill your Flash memory, you wouldn't even be able to
       turn it on. Its said that the LCD would probably burn out or the
       battery would die before Flash memory would die on your device.
       If you have read the above and wish to continue then follow
       these steps.
       1) Download files
 (HTM) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28585230/Overcook%20the%20Rom%20Baby%21%20IOS4/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
 (HTM) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28585230/Overcook%20the%20Rom%20Baby%21%20IOS4/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
 (HTM) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28585230/Overcook%20the%20Rom%20Baby%21%20IOS4/com.apple.virtualMemory.plist
 (HTM) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28585230/Overcook%20the%20Rom%20Baby%21%20IOS4/com.apple.virtualMemory.plist
       2) SSH into your device and install the files in the location
       given below.
       put it in: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
       put it in: /private/var/preferences/
       Then just restart your idevice.
       The files create a number of Swap file in the existing VM folder
       (/private/var/vm). It is worth deleting these when your device
       starts to show signs of lag.
       #Post#: 219--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Aaron Date: August 18, 2012, 1:52 am
       BOTH of these files need to have their permissions set to 755
       or it might become unstable... i found this out when it happened
       to me...
       #Post#: 220--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 18, 2012, 2:06 am
       Risky. This does indeed give a little more space for RAM but it
       makes your device slower because it is handling a new daemon.
       All this does is let you have more RAM to give more memory to a
       running application. THIS DOES NOT MAKE YOUR DEVICE FASTER!!
       (maybe gameplay)
       #Post#: 223--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Aaron Date: August 18, 2012, 2:45 am
       yeah i know. but not to much slower unless you are using a lot
       of it... and considering i took out a lot of daemons im sure the
       ipod can handle one daemon if a lot have been taken off
       already... :)
       and for the risk factor... it only becomes risky when you are
       running to manny apps... btw here is a page that will give you
       the option of 256 mb or 512mb personaly i would go with the
 (HTM) http://icetweaks.wordpress.com/plist-tweaks-and-hacks/
       #Post#: 230--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 18, 2012, 11:57 am
       That post is really cool. Thanks for bringing its attention to
       me. I will try it out when I have time.
       #Post#: 234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Aaron Date: August 18, 2012, 10:34 pm
       no problem iv done mostly every tweek to my ipod touch 2g and
       they all worked well.
       #Post#: 243--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: darkmasterz2 Date: August 19, 2012, 1:07 pm
       i did the VM and dynamic tricks but nothing happnd  :'( no
       improvements haha
       #Post#: 244--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: darkmasterz2 Date: August 19, 2012, 1:21 pm
       the reason dat i ddnt feel improvements bcoz of i dont have
       sbsettings. i nid to delete it i dont want to use sbsettings
       #Post#: 249--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 19, 2012, 5:13 pm
       The VM uses SBSettings to enable virtual memory by clicking the
       free ram button. I'm pretty sure you need SBSettings for this.
       #Post#: 251--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to make your device faster. Dynamic_pager & VirtualM
       By: darkmasterz2 Date: August 19, 2012, 7:36 pm
       yah. but i dont wanna use sbsetings do you have any idea to
       speed up the device? i only got 197 score in geekbench
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