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       #Post#: 2860--------------------------------------------------
       Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: reisspod Date: December 6, 2012, 10:44 am
       i have tried adding the repo to my ipod 2g MC model with
       bl4ck0ut 6.0 on it and repo failed there tryied on mt pc said
       the same thing there and also tried it on my jailbroken 3GS that
       didnt work ether has the repo changed or something this is what
       i put in did it in safari and cydia they didnt work
 (HTM) http://bl4ck0ut.bplaced.net
 (HTM) http://www.bl4ck0ut.bplaced.net
       none of them work 404 errors
       help thanks
       #Post#: 2861--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: BlackR41n Date: December 6, 2012, 10:48 am
       the repo is down!
       We changed Server, I'll setup them later ;)
       #Post#: 2862--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: reisspod Date: December 6, 2012, 10:52 am
       Ok, few, i thought like the project had stopped i did my first
       Bl4ck0ut install today but i want to get to 6.1.0 would i be
       able to do it now or will i need the repo?
       #Post#: 2863--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: BlackR41n Date: December 6, 2012, 10:59 am
       There were to much bugs in 6.1 Build 12D3.
       At the moment I use Bl4ck0ut 6.1 Build 12D6. :)
       It's pretty fast, no errors during installation and fixed "boot
       loop" bug.
       There are currently more bugs, I have to fix this first after
       releasing Bl4ck0ut 6.1 Build 12D7 ;)
       In this time I setup the new repo and OTA updates ;)
       #Post#: 2864--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: reisspod Date: December 6, 2012, 11:07 am
       Awesome can wait until 6.1.0 is released :D
       You have made something that made me blow the dust off my ipod
       2g and gave it a new lease of life i thought this is probably
       for mb models only... i was glad i was wrong :D
       #Post#: 2865--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: BlackR41n Date: December 6, 2012, 11:10 am
       That was no I ! It was hole Bl4ck0ut Team :)
       kikokoko95, RevialDev, Super_Hussian, Me and all User here in
       forum! :)
       #Post#: 2866--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: reisspod Date: December 6, 2012, 11:29 am
       Oh yeah there is no i in team....apart from apple....
       #Post#: 2869--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: revival Date: December 6, 2012, 11:37 am
       apple cant code a good firmware.. there is always bug and
       security(why we are here), i dont know how their team work, but
       it could be a lot better.. here is the real teamwork :), one for
       ipsw,one for updates/features,one for testing and general
       support,one for optimizations,scripts and coding. thats why
       everythings works great :p
       #Post#: 3024--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: De@mon Date: December 25, 2012, 9:18 am
       same problem here...plzzzz help :'( :'( :'( :'(
       #Post#: 3030--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Repo 404 error Need Help!!
       By: kikokoko95 Date: December 27, 2012, 11:59 am
       the old repo is offline