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       #Post#: 2917--------------------------------------------------
       Best Jailbreak
       By: Dante9744 Date: December 9, 2012, 12:41 am
       Hey guys. I just wanted to take a poll and ask what you people
       think the best jailbreak is for the iOS out of the 3 most
       popular JB applications that are currently out. I'd also like to
       hear why you think it is the best or why you think they are all
       equal. (What is most convenient, best performance after
       jailbreak, easiest, etc.)
       #Post#: 2919--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Best Jailbreak
       By: revival Date: December 9, 2012, 6:41 am
       sn0wbreeze, because of the restoring you have better
       performances and battery, it allow you to downgrade
       easily,preserve baseband,unlock,preinstall package,cusom
       bootlogos etc
       #Post#: 2924--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Best Jailbreak
       By: e1sunz Date: December 9, 2012, 4:28 pm
       Absinthe for ios 5 jailbreaking? Haha it's the most simplest
       jailbreaking tool i seen just simply connect your ipod open up
       program press start and done it does everything for you even the
       DFu mode O.o impressive! Im still stuck on my ipod 4g ios 6.0.1
       there's no proper jailbreak out STILL for this >.<, and Redsn0w
       got to be the main main jailbreakin tool for all idevices not
       sure about snowbreeze never used it :P
       #Post#: 2925--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Best Jailbreak
       By: Dante9744 Date: December 9, 2012, 4:45 pm
       Thanks for all the replies so far guys, keep them coming. I want
       to know what everyone here thinks. :P