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       #Post#: 3018--------------------------------------------------
       What i need to do?
       By: massacre100 Date: December 22, 2012, 2:27 pm
       Guys im srry im an user of iPhone 3G, and i just want to
       download 4.3 aplications, what i need to do?
       i alrdy know how to unlock it to make phone calls with my
       company, i know how to jailbreak it, download free games with
       installous, and stuff like that but im looking for apps like
       facebook that i cant download and finished here i hope someone
       can help me.
       i have serveral questions
       1- with the custom firmware bl4ck0ut 4.2.1 do im able to
       download that aplications or not?
       2- What its the diference of the 2 links normal and unlocked?
       3- wich one i sould install, (i alrdy installed the unlocked but
       i still cant download anything at all)
       *So i think im pretty lost here, i dont care if i have icloud,
       and stuff like that i just want to be abble to download apps
       like facebook, and some games, just that :/
       Srry if this is not the spot to do this i just dont know :/ thnx
       for evrything... and sorry about my bad english im mexican and
       im trying my best :)
       #Post#: 3020--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What i need to do?
       By: Aaron Date: December 23, 2012, 4:21 pm
       WE HAVE MOVED FORUMS! bl4ck0ut.com repost your thread there and
       people will reply.