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       #Post#: 3043--------------------------------------------------
       70 bl4ck0ut compatible games for the store but upload not workin
       By: mindstate Date: December 31, 2012, 11:29 am
       Hey Everyone,
       I love this project, i just wanna thank you guys again for
       making a stable & fast 4.2.1 possible on my 3G. To give back i
       wanted to upload my collection of working games for bl4ck0ut. I
       have about 70 IPA's. But when i upload a game, it doesn't seem
       to show in the st0re. I've uploaded Fluxtunes and Wheel of
       Fortune and neither have showed up in the st0re. Hoping someone
       could shed some light on this matter..thanks!
       #Post#: 3044--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 70 bl4ck0ut compatible games for the store but upload not wo
       By: Aaron Date: December 31, 2012, 11:03 pm
       i thin kthat is because super hass has to look add them hium
       self to make sure that no one uploaded a bad one... so as soon
       as you upload it he looks at it then if its okay will put it
       at least that is how i think it works. just ask him anyway
       #Post#: 3045--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 70 bl4ck0ut compatible games for the store but upload not wo
       By: mindstate Date: December 31, 2012, 11:23 pm
       I figured it might be something like that.. i will talk to Sup
       thanks :D
       #Post#: 3048--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 70 bl4ck0ut compatible games for the store but upload not wo
       By: Aaron Date: January 1, 2013, 2:51 pm
       contact him at the new forum as i is up and running again.