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       #Post#: 431--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: BlackR41n Date: August 29, 2012, 7:20 am
       1. Connect via SSH to your Device
       2. Go to /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist and
       open "SystemVersion.plist" with pList Editor
       3. Change: System Version to 4.3.5 and ProductBuildVersion to
       8L1 and save.
       You changed your System Version to 4.3.3 now you're might able
       to download apps that needs iOS 4.3.3 from the appstore.
       But not all Apps are comaptible with your Device, so you have to
       download the .ipa, edit a .plist and install it with i-Funbox.
       #Post#: 432--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 29, 2012, 7:28 am
       LOL thanks you beat me to it xD
       #Post#: 434--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: e1sunz Date: August 29, 2012, 1:10 pm
       Thanks alot Bl4ckR41n ;D
       #Post#: 435--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: BlackR41n Date: August 29, 2012, 3:24 pm
       NO problem :)
       #Post#: 437--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: 3gman Date: August 29, 2012, 8:13 pm
       "so you have to download the .ipa, edit a .plist and install it
       with i-Funbox"
       how do you do this?
       #Post#: 438--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 29, 2012, 10:45 pm
       Ok so when you find an ipa online and download it. Edit the
       info.plist file of the ipa (by opening it with winrar) and
       change the firmware string to 1.0 and change where it says arm7
       to arm6. Now the ipa is ready to download. Get into iFunbox and
       click the install app button and it will give you a browse box
       where you point your ipa. It will install it for you so just
       give a respring when done and the app should be installed. Good
       luck =D
       #Post#: 441--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: BlackR41n Date: August 30, 2012, 1:44 am
       You have to replace the edited info.plist with the original in
       the .ipa
       Just drag & drop the edited one into winrar and replace it ;)
       #Post#: 442--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 30, 2012, 6:03 am
       Yeah that too LOL. I was in a rush cause I was using my iPhone
       #Post#: 451--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: 3gman Date: August 30, 2012, 7:54 pm
       Can someone please make a video tutorial? please
       #Post#: 453--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone tell me how to download ios 4.3 apps on ios 4.2.
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 30, 2012, 10:18 pm
       I can make one in the weekend but not now. I am really busy with
       homework and my parents do catering so they need my help for
       that too.
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